Alternate Chapter 9.4

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Hey guys! This chapter is just an alternate outcome that I cooked up in my free time...

It's basically just me being  satictic  for almost 4000 words :p

This doesn't have impact on the ACTUAL plot, but I hope that you enjoy none the less!

If you do, then check out unStoppable, the continuation of this chapter!

Till next time <3

Leilah PoV

Can't she be happy? Would it really affect her that much? I looked at her pitifully distraught expression. I only did this for her to be happy. If she isn't then what's the point? But I can't let her go there, she'll get hurt as the best case scenario. I guess I could...

No. It  would only put targets on our backs. He's done for. 

I sighed and walked over to Seraphina. I unfroze her and hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry, but you have to carry on."

"Yeah.", she whispered into my neck, " That's what he would want."

We stood in an embrace while I soothed her until she could breathe properly again . Then we slowly left the scene.

Wellston Private Highschool

Sera PoV

It's been a month since John's capture. Everyone in school had noticed their king's sudden disappearance. Some people thought he just moved schools while others thought that the headmaster expelled him for his act as Joker. 

But almost everyone was happy to have him gone, since most were scared shi*less of him. Other than myself, Vaughn and Doc, only Blyke seemed worried about the boy. Blyke had admitted that he was starting to get along with John but he just up and left.

I wanted to tell him the truth about what happened, but Vaughn and Leilah  forbid it. So I had to lie to Blyke and say that I had no idea what happened either. That's what I told all the royals once they got nosy. 

I had returned to my position as Ace. Above everyone else in every aspect. Alone. Grieving over John in solitude.

But I wasn't going to waste my life away. Not again. I wouldn't miss my chance to make the world better for others, for the weakest. I wanted to make him proud and keep to what I told Evie in the boba shop.

I am going to be a superhero.

John PoV


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