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Pearl X Lapis

I honestly love this ship. Though there would probably be some complications and complex feelings, I honestly think the two could hit it off. I give 9 thumbs up.

Pearl X Peridot

I feel like they would just argue half the time. Who thought of this? 2 thumbs down!

Lapis X Peridot

I like this ship. A lot of people like this ship. And just like with Pearl, Lapis has a complicated back ground with Peridot. I mean she was thrown in prison by Peridot and Jasper. 7 thumbs up!

Pearl X Jasper

Not gonna lie. For some reason this one is a little eye catching. Three thumbs up.

Lapis X Jasper

They have a way to complicated past. It feels like that relationship would become abusive. I have to say, 1 thumbs down.

Pearl X Rose

I feel their relationship was very one sided. Therefore, I have to say 3 thumbs down.

Pearl X Amethyst

I have to say I agree with this ship. Not my OTP, but it's okay. 8 thumbs up.

Lapis X Amethyst

No clue of this is a ship but I have to say, something about Lapis and Amethyst just makes it seem like it would work. 5 thumbs up.

Pearl X Volleyball (Pink Pearl)

They understand each other more than others understand them. They would have a way of connecting with each other. However, I'm unsure if this would cause or help a romantic relationship. I have to say 5 thumbs up.

Pearl X Blue Pearl
Pearl X Yellow Pearl
Blue Pearl X Yellow Pearl
Pearl X Blue Pearl X Yellow Pearl X Volleyball

Rose X Jasper
Hell no. 7 thumbs down.

Amethyst X Peridot
I love it! 9 thumbs up

Ruby X Sapphire
Of course!

Did I miss any? Probably! If you wanna hear my opinions on ships I did not mention, just leave a comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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