"Over there is Vice-principal Nero's office. He's a genius, he likes me the best. I don't have to wear a uniform because I'm so adorable. Come on." In your own messed up way Carmelita.

She took the lead and we followed behind her, with her tap dancing shoes echoing through the seemingly empty school. I couldn't help but wonder how the hell a vice-principal allowed a girl to wear tap dancing shoes. She's most likely from a rich family considering the clothes and mostly the attitude.

"Hurry up cake sniffers," she said from in front.

"I don't think that it's a compliment," Violet said looking over at us as we trudged along begrudgingly. Klaus held my hand tightly and I chuckled.

"If you hold my hand any tighter I think the blood running through my hand will cut off Klaus," I whispered to him. His face shone with realisation and he silently apologized letting go with a hint of a blush.

"I-I didn't notice I was doing that. Sorry."

I shook my head and held his hand in a soft grip dragging him slightly forward.

"Don't apologize. I get that your nervous. Who wouldn't' be in this gloomy school." I said.

We continued to silently follow behind Violet as Carmelita continued to talk.

"We stopped at the vice-principals door and she turned around looking at us expectantly.


"Uhum?" Violet questioned.


"Thank you?" Klaus awkwardly said.

"Thank you is not enough. It is traditional to give a special tour guide a tip at the end of the tour."

"A tip?" Violet said unsurely. I mean it's not like we have money at our fingertips. Oh, wait...

"Yes, a tip," she said slightly aggravated but smiled again.

"Here. Thank you for the tour." I said giving her the five dollars I had in my small backpack. She took it and stared at it for a long time with a weird expression on her face, she looked up at me in wonder. She shook it off and smiled again kicking the door aggressively causing the violin to screech to a horrible stop.

" Who dares to interrupt the genius when he's rehearsing?!" A slightly chubby and weird haired man said angrily with violin clutched in hand.

"It's the Baudelaires and Strauss. They're late for their appointment with you," she said sucking up to him. Of course, this idiot looks over at us accusingly.

" How dare you! Thank you, Carmelita." The expressions on our faces were ones of confusion.

"What a beautiful broach." he complimented.

"The original liked it," she said smiling widely at us before twirling away. Okay then, no comment.

"Oh. Have you ever seen a girl sweet as a butterscotch buttercup? She has two living parents." he said uncaringly.

Sunny looked at him with her cute innocent face like she wanted to squash him. Aww, I would help.

After an extensively long and meaningless conversation, we were assigned to the 'Orphan Shack' and given separate classes. I had music class, Violet has English and Klaus had Math. We would change at intervals but never have the same class together. It sucked. To make it even worst, poor Sunny was stuck with the vice and was assigned to do his paperwork and be his secretary......a toddler for chrissake. We left the room and trudged down the hall.

(A/N: I hope ya don't mind, but I'm putting a music teacher in this school because it fits well for me with the plot. The teacher will be kinda nice, which is a rare trait with all Prufrock preps teachers, but bear with me.)

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