3 0 0

God my head was killing me. My eyes opened to reveal a very unfamiliar  cream colored ceiling. There was a needle in my arm connected to an IV.

One I don't remember putting there. I sat up and searched to find an open window . Through that view I saw that this building was in the middle of a forest. A very thick one at that. I couldn't see anything but trees for miles.

Then the door creaked open and I saw Tyler Jenkins?

My eye brows creased in confusion.

"Would have thought you would be in withdrawal by now."  He said his eyes smiling teasingly.

My confusion  intensified before I scowled.

" Is that why am here? " I spat  and he flinched, stepping back. " to under go forced
Rehab for drugs I do not even take?"

My voice came out stronger than I have ever heard it before maybe because I was angry. I didn't care.


I moved to reach him before realizing I was restrained to the bed.

What the f-

" Stoner Stacy?"
Ryan  from maths class walked in and I rolled my eyes.  Staring at my restraints I frowned wondering if I still had my phone at the back of my jeans.

"Call me that one more time and we will see which one of us really needs this bed." I spat and the idiot smirked.

"Feisty Luna, me like." He winked and I gagged.

"Let me go!!!!"  I screamed thrashing around and pulling against the restraints until I wiggled out of my shoe making sure to kick it at Ryan's head.


I did the same with my other shoe and realized that the restraints where on my boots and not my feet so I wiggled free from them.

Not paying attention  to the idiots at my door, I carefully brought my feet to my right hand maneuvering through the straps.
Thank you years of gymnastics!

The idiots stood shocked as I undid the straps to my left hand.

My energy was already spent making me remember why I had to quit gymnastics in the first place. Sigh.

Without showing weakness I turned  to the idiots keeping my face firm as I undid the IV careful not to spill blood.

"Why am I here?" I asked.


"Which one of you  dicks kidnapped me?!"


I rolled my eyes and finally charged through the door only to be stopped by those same blue eyes. I felt my breathe leave me again and not just from his magnificent  muscular build or his lightly tanned smooth skin or the haunting  invite that oozed from him asking me to taste his lips.

My breath was literally taken away. . I stumbled back getting some space before my breath slowly started coming to me.

" W-Who a-are y-you?"

His face held hurt and disbelief  before attempting  to come closer. I held my hand to stop him so that I could catch my breath. My eyes roamed the corridor.before landing in my bag by the door to the room I left. I crawled to it and grabbed the inhaler I haven't had to use in months.

Feeling the air being accepted my lungs I sighed in relief  before slowly getting back on my feet in front of Mr Stranger.

My eyes finally settled on him properly before I finally recognized him.

"Anderson  Pierce?" I gasped hoarseness, " what the heck?"

"What am I doing here?"

His body tensed and he sighed shrugging , " you blacked out at school so I brought you here to take care of you."

I scoffed looking around,  "in the middle of no where?"

"Was the hospital more complicated than restraining me to a bed?" I question getting  closer and puffing  my inhaler as my breath became more rugged.

"If you had taken me to a hospital may be then you would have realized I don't need restraints," I emphasized while he looked like a lost puppy.

"I don't need rehab because I have never done drugs ever!" He flinched.

"Normally i would be grateful to you for saving  my life but seeing as you basically did not put my health into consideration  before assuming the worse, I will keep my Thank you."

I huffed grabbing my bag off the floor before brushing past him. Our skin came to contact for a second that had me almost tumbling but I caught myself on the wall and sighed exasperated.

"Get me home, please." I said through gritted teeth, "before I call the police."

I heard a harsh in take of breath before a sad sigh.

There was a lengthy amount of silence before I heard movement.  Anderson turned and walked slowly behind me.

"Let me take you  home, Stacy."

I almost shuddered at how my name rolled off his touch so deep and sultry.  Then I remembered  that the Neanderthal treated me based on his awfully assumed opinion.

I huffed and let him lead me outside. The building was large and quite beautiful  from the small glimpses I got of it. I was too damn angry to care to linger  though.

We reached the garage and amongst very many cars he led me to a familiar blue pick up truck. I recalled seeing it at school before.

He unlocked it and I got inside the passenger seat waiting for him to come in.

I hate that when he entered the car he smelled like a freshly bakes cinnamon cup cake. That was my favorite kind. I hated that the car was engulfed  in it. Too bad, he was a douche.

I leaned back opening the window as we drove through the forest. It was beautiful. Dusty and cold but beautiful.

Soon we made it back to civilisation where the air woke with hooting and the sounds of passenger footsteps.

I sighed  in relief as he took the turned my neighborhood not questioning how he knew where I lived.

Weirdly there also fire truck lined up on the side of the road as we moved closer and closer to my house.

"What is going on?"
I asked myself silently.  I gasped when I saw what was left of the house I was currently residing in. The black blotches of the remaining building might as well be declared as ash.

The whole house was burned down. In a heap in the foundation where it stood. 

I choked back a sob thanking the heavens my parents were still out for a business trip and dreading the moment they returned to our destroyed home.

Now I had no where to stay dammit.

I sighed and turned to Anderson with a defeated glance and without words he drove on.

I couldn't help but take another long look at his broad shoulders and arms that held onto the wheel with might. His knuckles were white and his muscles flexed. I noticed him grit his teeth like he wished to say something but fought against it. I continued to shamelessly stare at him admiring his physic. How had I never really  seen him before?

"I am sorry for how we met, can we start over?"

My heart did a flip.

What is wrong with Me?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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