The Best Its Gonna Get

Start from the beginning

Alex: Alright Buddy

Jared: Well Gotta Go and I'll tell Rhys You said Hi

Alex: Alright Buddy Take care

February 11 2014

Alex Ambrose And Rhys White were Good Friends since their Time in NJPW and ROH. Alex Considered Rhys as his Brother along with Jared Lane. Alex Always had Trust Issues but Rhys and Jared were his Friends and Brothers. Right now it was the new beginning in Osaka 2014 where Alex And Rhys would Team up to go against IWGP Tag Team Heayweight Champions Minoru Suzuki and Zack Sabre Jr. As Alex Made his Entrance first.

Announcer:チャレンジャーの紹介精神病性アナキストアレックスアンブローズ(Introducing The Challenger The Psychotic Anarchist Alex Ambrose)

Alex got in the ring as he was waiting for his Partner.

Announcer: そして彼のパートナー、スライエントウルフリースホワイト(And His Partner, The Slient Wolf Rhys White)

Rhys made it to the ring and fist bump Alex as They were waiting for their Opponents.

Announcer:チャンピオンの紹介彼らはIWGPタグチームチャンピオン、鈴木ガン、ザックセイバージュニア、鈴木みんろうから(Introducing The Champions They are IWGP Tag Team Champion, From Suzuki Gun, Zack Sabre Jr and Minrou Suzuki)

They made their Entrance as they had a stare down on their Opponents. They got in the ring and Raised their Championship in the air. The Bell Rang and Rhys was going Against Minrou Suzuki as Rhys was beating Suzuki Down with Chops and Kicks. Rhys hit a basement Dropkick and Zack was gonna hit Rhys until Alex hit a

Zack was out as Alex went back to his Corner and Rhys tagged Alex and both men hit a

Alex Pinned Suzuki But Suzuki Kicked out again. Alex Grabbed Suzuki and Hit a snap Suplex but Zack from Behind hit a right kick to the head as Alex was holding his head. Rhys hit a huricanna on Zack but Suzuki hit a stiff punch to Rhys face as Suzuki Hit A Brainbuster on Alex But Alex kicked out.

Ten Minutes Later

Alex hit a low super kick and threw zack outta the ring. Suzuki on the apron was gonna hit Alex Until Rhys hit a

Both members of Suzuki-Gun were out of the ring as Alex and Rhys Both hit a

Alex Dragged Zack back in the ring and hit a

Alex tagged Rhys and Rhys from the top rope hit a

Rhys Pinned Zack But Suzuki Grabbed Rhys and hit a Gotch Pliedriver But Alex Hit a

Zack from Behind hit a Gullotine Choke on Alex But Rhys Pulled Zack and Zack Hit a Enzuguri to Rhys and Suzuki Kicked Alex But Both of them hit a

Zack was down But Suzuki was still standing as Alex from the top rope hit a

Rhys climbed on the top rope and hit Zack with a

Rhys Pinned Zack but he kicked out at two as both Alex and Rhys were smiling.

Twenty Minutes Later

Suzuki was going for a rear choke on Alex But Rhys Hit a knee behind Suzuki Causing him to get out of the ring. Alex threw Zack out of the ring as Both Rhys and Alex hit a

Alex Dragged Suzuki as Alex tagged Rhys and Both of them hit a

Suzuki was still standing as Rhys hit a

Rhys pinned him and the three count was heard as Both of them became the new IWGP Tag Team Champions and they were hugging each other as they were celebrating their win.

A.N: Thanks for Reading and I want to Thank DarkRoseV for letting me use his oc

Stay cool and have a nice day :)

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