Fury Road And Shoot Style Vs Anarchy

725 16 17

May 14 2019

It was the Final Smackdown Live before Money in the bank. Alex Cut a promo about How he's gonna win The briefcase and cash in on Nikki Bellas Boyfriend. Alex Left the ring after his promo and just sat on his locker room remembering Josh And Ryan's Words. Alex could be in love but he couldn't help but feel angry knowing that Nikki is with Cena. Alex felt more angry as his feelings are showing more and more every day. Alex went to Houston and came back really stressed out almost tired of his endless problems its like God wont give Alex a break but he had to be strong for his sister. Alex saw on the Television that Alex will go one on one with Kevin Owen's to see who will gain momentum to Money in the bank. Alex put on his Black Tank Top and Taped up his hands before Making his entrance

Alex stood in the ring while Kevin Owen's Theme played and he kept mocking Alex. Both Kevin and Alex stared at each other until The Bell ring. Alex wasted no time Attacking kevin with a series of Punch and Chops. Alex Irish whip him to the ropes and hit a reverse elbow. Alex got Kevin up and hit a right kick to the leg as Alex went for a another one, Kevin kneed alex in the gut and hit a

Alex was holding his neck as kevin pinned him but alex kicked out as Kevin tried to hold alex neck but alex started punching his gut and then hit a combo

Alex pinned him but Kevin kicked out at Two.

Ten Minutes later

Kevin Climbed on the top rope looking for a cross body but alex caught him mid air and hit a

Alex pinned him but he kicked out. Alex ran through the ropes and hit a series of forearms and then hit a

Kevin went to the corner and alex hit a

Alex hold him on the corner and ran to hit a

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