Ch. 2- "The Coffeehouse"

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Jinora adjusted her new backpack on her shoulder as she walked into her history class and took her seat.

"Hey girl." Jinora looked up and saw her friend taking her regular seat beside her.

"Hey Shelby," she greeted her.

"How's it going?" Shelby asked while reaching in her back and digging around until she pulled out her mirror. Carefully she adjusted her make up, though Jinora could see nothing wrong with it. Jinora liked Shelby though. For someone so concerned with her own looks, she sure didn't give a damn about other peoples.

"I'm good," Jinora started pulling her binder out. "How about you?"

"Absolutely fantastic!" her blonde ponytail bobbed with her energetic answer. "I have the best news ever!" Jinora leaned forward, intrigued.

"Please do tell."

"Oh first, I didn't get the last half of the notes yesterday, do you mind if I borrow yours?"

"Of course," She opened her notebook and flipped through the pages until she stumbled on the notes. "Here you go."

"Thanks Jin, you're a life saver," Jinora shrugged her shoulders, brushing off the compliment. She glanced around the room as Shelby rushed to copy the notes. Her eyes looked over everything carefully yet carelessly. Absentmindedly she accounted everything she saw. Books, maps, globes, Kai-

Kai? She did a double take. He wasn't actually in the classroom, but he stood out in the hallway, which Jinora could easily see because the teacher always kept the door propped open.

Immediately Jinora wanted to say hello. But that would be preposterous. Not only because he was out in the hall while she sit in a class, but also because she had no real reason to say hi. They bumped into each other (literally) in the hallway one time. So what? That didn't automatically make them friends. Though they had been formally introduced, Jinora was still back at square one: staring from a distance.

Not that she minded. He was talking on the phone with someone, which she found intriguing to watch. She observed the way he paced back and forth as he talked, the way his jaw moved when he talked. The way he talked with his hands, the way-


"Huh?" she whipped her head around.

"I was just telling you my big news," Shelby looked at her curiously. "Or at least I was trying to."

"Sorry," she nervously tucked a strand of hair back. "I got a little distracted."

"I can tell," Shelby giggled. "What were you staring at anyways?"

"I, uh, there was a really big cockroach in the hallway."

"A cockroach? I hate cockroaches!"

"Forget the cockroach," Jinora urged. "What's your big news?"

"Oh yeah! You will never believe it," Shelby was grinning from ear to ear. "Tonight I'm going on a-"

"Good morning class," Shelby was cut off by the teacher who was attempting to grab the class' attention.

I'll tell you later, Shelby mouthed. Jinora nodded and turned to the teacher. A class time passed by before Jinora had even packed up her things, Shelby had already left.

"Boy do I have a surprise for you," Skoochy put his arm around Kai's neck.

"I have to get to class," Kai pulled Skoochy off. "This better be good."

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