Ch. 8 - "Visitor in the Night"

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12:04 A.M.

Jinora sighed, setting down her pencil after finally completing all her homework. She was used to doing this much work, but she wasn't used to staying up this late. Usually she would finish a considerable amount of her homework in the library, but ever since Kai stepped into her life she had been dealing with more and more late nights. It's not like it matters, her work still gets done it's just done at a later time.

Kai was worth it though.

Hardly anything was capable of coming between Jinora and her school work, but Kai had managed to squeeze his way in there. Not like Jinora would ever admit to anyone, but sometimes she couldn't focus on her books because she would be thinking about Kai.

Something about him just drove her crazy. Maybe it was his green eyes that literally sparkled any time he spoke to her. Or it was his dimpled smile that took up half of his face. Perhaps it was the way he ruffled his messy hair constantly making sure it was perfectly out of place. She also loved the way he-


Jinora immediately sat upright, completely startled by the sound. It had come from her window, which did have a tree outside it, but there was no wind blowing that would cause it to hit her window.


She moved toward the window, both curiosity and concern filling her body as she hesitantly pressed her hands against the glass and attempted to see what was making that noise. 


With her face centimeters from the glass, the sudden sound that was right outside the window caused her to jump. Someone was undoubtedly throwing something at her window. She felt hopeful as to who she thought it might be. 

Slowly, Jinora opened her window and stuck her head out, suddenly moving it to the side as she saw another rock fly in the air, aiming for right where her face was. Luckily, she remained unharmed, though she did let out a little gasp of surprise. She looked down and crouching in her bushes, visible to only someone from an aerial view, was Kai. Jinora couldn't help but smile. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" She laughed, hoping that her voice wasn't too loud. 

Kai didn't say anything back, he just pointed at himself, then gestured to her window. Jinora got the message. He was coming up. 

She took a step back, unsure of what to expect. She watched him crawl out of the bush and start climbing the tree that had branches brushing up against the wall beside her window. Jinora and her siblings had climbed that tree a few times, but they were all trained to climb and jump around obstacles, and even they had found that tree to be difficult to scale. She wasn't sure how Kai would be able to reach the top of it. 

Boy, was she wrong. He climbed the tree with ease, effortlessly reaching from branch to branch, going higher and higher. Jinora couldn't help but admire his muscles that were on display in his short sleeve t-shirt. In no time he had reached the closest branch, though it still didn't lead straight up to her window. 

"Jinora," he said in a hushed tone, "Take a step back." 

Oh no. He was going to jump. 

"Kai," she pleaded, "Please don't hurt yourself. If you fall, either you die, or you get hurt and I have to call an ambulance and then I die, because my parents will murder me." 

"Jin," he grinned, holding tight to the branch, his knuckles white. "Just relax, I've got this." 

That did not ease her concern, but she knew that nothing she could say would stop him from jumping. Jinora watched as leapt from the branch to her window, clawing desperately in the air as he landed on her window sill with a painful thud. She grimaced as she watched the air get knocked out of him. His arms and head were safely in her room, while the rest of him dangled free outside the window. She rushed over to him, gripping his arm and torso to help hoist him into her room. Finally, he was in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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