You have got to be kidding me.

40 5 0

Still Carley's P.O.V:

I'm awake.


I didn't even change out of my clothes.

I fell asleep on the bed, not in it.


My hair is a mess.

Gonna go brush it.

I walk to the bathroom, where I keep my brush and everything else to the name of hygiene.

'Good God!'

That's me.


What'd Em call it?

A number 8?

And a half?

'Carley! Don't walk in like that! I'm BUUUUUUSSSSSSSYYYYYY!'

Either Em's on crack, or she's pissed.


Out of it.

I run out of there, covering my eyes and screaming.

'Carley?' a deep voice asks me.


'What's the matter?'

'Do NOT go in the bathroom. I repeat, do NOT go in the bathroom.'

Unfortunately, T.O.P, being the curious person he is, goes to look.

'Oh my GOD.'

Shortly after I hear that, he comes running back to where he left me, away from the swearing and shouting from Em and GD.

The shouting and that doesn't last long though.

I'm not going to ask why.

Or how.

'I'm going to go warn the others,' I say, 'want to come with?'

'Sure. They don't deserve to witness THAT.'

We quickly go and warn the other, who are in their own rooms.

We get a 'thanks for the heads up' from everybody.

I'm traumatised.

Scarred for life.

Actually, now that I think about it.....

I kind of want that to happen with either T.O.P or Yesung.

Just I want no one to walk in on us.

Now I feel sorry for Em, who had two people walk in on her.

I'll apologise after they end.....whatever they are doing.

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