I smiled at him for the last time and with a deep sigh, started walking inside.

The trip to his tombstone wasn't long but it wasn't short either. As soon as I came across with the familiar one, a huge smile erupted on my face as I looked down at the flowers already placed on it.

His parents had never failed to meet him on his day.

I walked closer to it and sat down directly in front of him, placing the bouquet.

My chest started feeling heavy as I stared at the words craved on the stone.

Here lies,
Elijah Johnathan Jacobs.
A loving son, brother and an amazing friend.

(12 May, 2001-19 July, 2017)

I smiled sadly, looking at his name engraved.

"Happy birthday, Eli." I muttered and continued. "You know it's been a while since I came here," my voice trailed.

"I had been busy with school and never got the time to meet you." I took a pause, looking at a guy walking to the other side of the cemetery and looked back at the tombstone.

"I met a guy, Eli. And, he looks just like you! Shocking, right? At first I really didn't want to be his friend.." my voice trailed again.

"But now..he means a lot to me and he means more than just a friend to me." I said, smiling softly.

"When you left all of us. I never thought I'll be over you, Eli. But now here I am-" I chuckled sadly. "-talking to you about a guy, who has my heart now. I hope he doesn't go away too, Eli. Not like you left me..but it wasn't your fault anyway."

A lone tear fell on my lap. "I miss you a lot, Eli. I miss how things were when you were here." I spoke as I kept staring down at the grass beneath me.

"I miss everything about you. I miss how you used to do my work for me without complaining, I miss how you used to snuck junk food in for me at midnight, I miss how you used to take Kiko out for a walk whenever I felt lazy."

"You've done so much for me, Eli. You never complained and ever since you went away, you've taken a small piece of me with you." I let out a small sigh.

"I keep imagining how things would've been if you were still here with me. I keep thinking about how you would've reacted to Noah's arrival. I keep..thinking how long we would've gone together but you're gone." I whispered the last part.

"You've gone way too early. You deserved to stay here, enjoy your life just like how everybody else is enjoying and it hurts a lot to know how you'll never be here with me." I mumbled.

"I'm staying strong, Eli. I'm not breaking. I'll keep moving forward until I'm no more capable of handling my pieces. I promise, I'll always keep you in my heart. I'll never forget anything about you despite if I find somebody else. You were my first and you'll always be one of my priorities." I mumbled, wiping the tears.

"I loved you." I whispered.

"I still love you and I know, I always will, Elijah Jacobs. You were a beautiful part of my life and I'll always remember you." I mumbled as I wiped the tears away.

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