24. Love & Him

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🎶 Paris - The Chainsmokers.🎶

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It is something completely blissful. Something which can make a person rise up from 0-100 or degrade them to 100-0.

We can't choose who we love and it's quite okay.

Even if we make mistakes.

It's all okay because we'll only learn from it.

We'll always learn.

When I think about love, I think about that one damn person.

Noah Wilson.

The guy who made me fall in love with him without doing anything big but just being amazing, treating me with love and that was what I had ever wanted.


It has been three months since we have officially been together and everyday is like a new day for us. We still hung out everyday. We still gave surprises as much as we can.

We still love each other and yeah, sometimes we bickered too but we sought things out immediately.

Who knew I would ever be in love with something after Elijah? Not me.

But, I was glad for the chance.

Having a guy like Noah had changed the way I see things.

He made me believe that there may be forever and people do get the chance of having a happy ending.

Before him, I had completely stopped believing that there ever would be a happy ending.

Maybe, there is?

People who met him often say he look just like Elijah. Just like him. But there's so much to him that they don't know and the feelings that I have for him are unexplainable. I love him for who he is and I'll always keep loving him.

I looked forward to the day we'd marry each other, the day we have kids, the days we spend roaming around with M&M's.

Yes, we've got college as well to look forward to and we would work it out.

I know, we will.

Speaking of Elijah Jacobs. He is a memory that I'll always love and Noah's completely fine with it.

Noah knows how important Eli was to me and still is and he has got no problem with it.

Cherishing his memories and the time spent with him will always be in my heart.

Elijah Jacobs was a beautiful past that I'd always cherish and Noah Wilson is my present & the future that I'd always love.

Elijah Jacobs was a beautiful past that I'd always cherish and Noah Wilson is my present & the future that I'd always love

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