"I brought you some budae jjigae..." you heard the bed creak and foot steps get closer to the door. Jin swing the wooden door open with a harsh gaze making you slightly flinch and look to the floor to avoid his dark brown orbs.

"B-babe come out here and eat. I want to talk with you." you nearly whispered  and slowly raised your head to look at his tear stained face and knotted hair, the sight made the tears you were holding in fall onto your face. His honey skin was blushed and his face swollen from crying.

Seokjin snatched the tray of food and slammed the door in your face. You stood there looking at the wooden door, something in you snapped you you felt all of you anger bubble over in that moment. Your throat tighten and sob escaped your lips.

"FUCK YOU SEOKJIN!" you yelled and banged on the door a few times. After kicking the door you made your way to your bedroom to grab a coat and a pair of shoes. You weren't staying here another minute with him if he was just going to act like you weren't there in the first place.

Stomping out of the house you made sure to slam the door behind you.



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Ten years ago

"___ come here!" Your mother yell from in the living area . You set down you workbooks and walked out of the kitchen.

"Yes?" You looked at her waiting to see what she needed.

"I wanted you to meet our neighbors" she gave you a knowing look to be polite and pointed towards the couch, you put on a smile turning towards were your mother pointed.

The girl on the couch had long brown hair. She looked a bit older than you but she had on your school uniform so you knew she had to be around your age. You bowed slightly knowing it was seen as respect here in Korea.

She stood and bowed back then held her hand out towards you.

"Hi im Tiffany"


You knocked you the wooden door. You didn't know if she was even home.

"I should have called..." you mumbled but just then the door opened and revealed a very sleep deprived Tiffany. When she noticed it was you at her door Tiffany's eyes widened. Her eyes drifted down to the small overnight bag you kept in your trunk then back to your tear stained face.

"___,what happened!?" She spoke as she pulled you inside of the house. You tried to speak but instead you broke down again. Tiffany held you as you cried into her shoulder.

"Shh, its okay, calm down." You took a few deep breaths and pulled away for her grasp.

"I need to stay here for a while..." you spoke quickly and Tiffany looked confused.

" Of course but what's going on, __? You don't look like yourself right now." She held your hand and you sighed.

" Ill tell you everything, but I need some food I'm starving." You chuckled wiping your face of any falling tears and Tiffany smiled softly.


Tiffany ordered some take out being that you drove a couple hours to get there.
The two of you ate and you told her everything that'd happened to you over the past couple of months.

"You were what!?" she was hurt more than mad at you for not letting her know. Tiffany looked at you and her face softened again seeing the fresh tears roll down your face.
"You know what?" She laid your head in her lap and smoothed your  hair away from your face.

"We are gonna get you back on your feet with or without that dickhead." You chucked out a laugh and sniffled. "Yes..." turning onto your back you looked up at your best friend and softly smiled.

"Thank you for this, Tiff."
"Of course"

The two of you talked and Tiffany told you about a job as a personal chef for a popular band call kitty gang.

"k-kitty gang!?" You stared up at her with wide eyes. There was no way you would be able to even look at those boys they were so intimidating.

"Yeah! They are the sweetest and have been looking for a chef forever. Come on,fluff, it'll be a fresh start.." she paused and looked down at you. "and maybe you could save up and start going to therapy." Sitting up you looked at your hands that sat in your lap. " ...yeah." You spoke barley above a whisper.

You did have a follow up doctors appointment soon concerning your well being after what happened. Maybe your doctor could recommend you to someone.

"That sounds like a plan." Your lips stretched into a tight lipped smile.

"Well babes, im gonna head to bed, the guest room is all set for you when you're ready to sleep." Tiff gave you one last hug then rose from the couch and patted you shoulder. She disappeared into the hallway leaving you on the couch to drown in your thoughts. Soon enough you dragged yourself to the guest room and got yourself ready for the night, not that you'd be able to get any sleep though.

Plugging in your phone you started to disrobe so you can get into the shower. Just as you turned on the hot water your phone chimed multiple times rolling your eyes you walked over to where it was plugged in and grabbed it from the table.

37missed calls from My Love<3

Your face scrunched up and you felt tears threatening to fall from your glossy eyes. The phone started to vibrate in your hand indicating an incoming call from Jin.
Clearing the notifications you accidentally answered the call. Mentally cursing yourself out you raised the phone to your ear.


Pt2 soon:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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