Stabbing is Prohibited

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I take the large knife from the block. I walk down the empty hall everyone is asleep. I walk downstairs and out the door.I keep the knife in my pocket. I have to wait until I get there. So I keep walking. I walk past dinners, shops, homes. Past alleyways, the homeless, people. I just need to keep walking. I walk until I get to my destination. A old abandoned warehouse. I saw this place wale walking and I've been here before. This is the prefect place for this. No one will know and no one will care that I'm gone. Before I do it I look at my phone. I should say something to someone but who? Peter?Alyssa? Wendy? Ned? Who? And what will I say? Oh I feel stabby stabby? No! And how would I do it? Text? Call? FaceTime? Email? I don't know! I don't know. Before I even take the knife out I feel like something's wrong. Like someone or something is watching my every movement. I start walking around the warehouse  it looks like I'm just staring at my phone, I actually looking for a clue that's someone is here. I look for foot prints, distributed dust, and any kind of noise or movement. I notice a swift movement in the rafters. I move out of the way just in time. The clatter of the arrow hitting the concrete echoes off the walls. I glare up at the rafters.

"I have a weapon! I not afraid of you! Whoever you are!"

"I'm not scared of you too."

"Why are you here?"

"I following a suspect. You?"

"Well I'm the only other person here. So why are you following me."

"Because we thought you were a Hydra agent. So are you?"


"So why do come here? To do drugs? Smoke? Other things?"

"What!? No! I come here for peace and quiet."

"So why do you have a weapon if you want peace and quiet?"

"Because it's dangerous out there! I would like not to die! (by someone else.)"

"What was that last part? I didn't quite hear it?"

"It doesn't matter. (Not after today.)"

"Again. Couldn't hear that."

"It wouldn't matter after today! Is that loud enough for you!"

"Ok,ok. I can hear you. But want wouldn't matter after today? And why?"

"It wouldn't matter if I die. Because I want to. That's why I have a knife. Ok!"

"...Well then. I suggest you come with me."

"What! No! I don't even know who you are! And if you're following me than you're probably like a hit man or part of the mafia!"

"First off, no. I'm not part of the mafia. And no I'm not a hit man, I'm a hero."

"If you're a hero, then why were you following me?"

"You come here every day and there is no cameras here. Plus you were a hood."

"You're not wrong, but you're not right ether."

"How can I be neither right or wrong?"

"You're right that I wear a hood, but wrong about the everyday."


"Yes. I do in fact have a life."

"But not for long apparently."

"I- You're right."

"Knew it. So you coming?"

"I still don't know who you are. And why would I come with you at all?"

The man I've been talking to jumps down from the rafters. The black and dark purple of his outfit are emanating from the shadows and his blond hair shines through the darkness. His quiver on his back and bow in his hand. As he rose up to his full height. As soon as he did I immediately recognize him from the news, this was Hawkeye. The assassin.

"Well I guess I wasn't too far off from a hit man."

"You're not wrong-"

"But I'm not right ether, am I?"



"You coming?"

"Sadly, no. Because I still do not see why I would come with you."

"Because... Ice cream."


"Well if this is your last day, why not enjoy it? You don't have to go out alone or with no fun times. Because if you let the bad things get to you then you drown out the good things. Sure life isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean there aren't good things in it. So are you coming?"

"... Yes. Yes I will."

So me and Hawkeye got ice cream. After we went are separate ways I go home. I lie in bed thinking about what he said, "life isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean there aren't good things in it." It's a good way to live by. The next day I go back to the warehouse to find a note. The spray paint isn't good but I can still read it. It says Stabbing is Prohibited. Then there's a bird and an eye. I'm confused at first but then I get it. I also notice a small slip of paper. I pick it up to find a number and a "call me if you need anything 😉-Hawk" I put the number in my phone and continue my way inside. (A/N who do you want next)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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