Hello losers! Chapter 7

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Pennywise didn't visit you last night. It was quite sad.. you thought of him a lot often. You thought that you'd stop by the barrens for a visit because you bored.

It was around after school of Wednesday when you'd go there. You didn't expect anybody to be down at the barrens because, well.. it had tunnels leading into the sewers and it was quite we abs marshy. The pretty part about the barrens was the steady trivet and rocky nature of it. You liked nature. A LOT.

You sat on a rocky bed close to the river while watching the slow and steady stream and small Minnows passing by a few times. The summer sun wasn't too hot today and it felt amazing. After a little while of what seemed like forever you could hear faint cried coming you way. About 5 voices you could here. No, 6. Kids? You thought. You still sat in your spot. Looking in the direction of where you could here to voices. Suddenly a with a blue t-shirt and black shorts and brown hair can't put. His hair was mostly to the side and shorter hair that came out on the other looked like he had it shaved but the hair was a bit longer fit it to be really shaved.

His stopped walking and soon other came to stand beside him. A girl with short red/auburn curly hair and a shorter one with a fanny pack on came beside him. The rest would be peeking over their shoulders to look who it was. They stared at with with a confused or questioning looks in their eyes. The tall one in the middle of them was the first to speak.

"W-who are you?" The boy had a soft and shy voice with a stutter. It was kinda cute. "I could ask you the same thing." You got up and put your hands on your hips. "My name is Y/n. Y/n
Y/l/n. You?" You asked. The tall one with the stutter turned to the girl on his right while having his finger pointing at himself.

"M-my name i-is B-b-Bill Denbrough and this is Beverly M-marsh." You eyes moved to Bill to Beverly. You smiled at both of them. "I'm Eddie Kasperak." The little one with a fanny pack chirped. You nodded in respect and smiled lightly. A body squeezed between Eddie and Bill and looked you up and down. He put his index finger and thumb to rest in on his chin and but his lip. "Hubba bubba my dear you look stunning!"

You tried not to give him a nasty look as he took your hand and bent down on one knee to kiss your hand. Beverly rolled her eyes. "Oh and that.. is embarrassing.. his name is Richie Tozior he's nobody just ignore him." Richie got yo from the ground and looked at Beverly angrily. "Hey! I'm try'n to be nice to this lonely ass girl didn't you see how lonely she looked just sitting their!" He exclaimed. You scowled at him.

"Ugh." Eddie stomped over to Richie and grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the group. "Stay there and shut the fuck up your not funny." You heard Richie sigh sadly and then looked back over to where Bill was but was surprised to see a chubbier boy and another with curly light-ish brown hair. The curly-haired boy waved as he said. "I'm Stanley Uris" Stanley turned his head to the chubbier boy. "I'm Ben. Ben Hanscom." You nodded and smiled. "New kid eh. Ya I know you." You said. Ben nodded and kicked a rock. "Ya.. that's kinda what they all call me." You shrugged. "Well because I know your name I'll call you Ben." You smiled. Ben smoked back. "W-what are you doing h-here?" You moves your glance to Bill who was talking to you.

You blinked. "I could ask all of you the same thing. But because you asked first I'll answer that. But um.. honestly I'm not sure what I'm doing here, I guess I just came to this pacific place to just enjoy the sunshine." You shrugged as you got down to sit in a criss-cross position in front of the river. "Alone?" Eddie said. You shrugged. "Well ya I guess so I've got nobody else" except for Pennywise but he's not around much. You added quietly to yourself. You glanced at the water blankly. None of the kids said anything. It was really awkward. "Uhh.. so what are you guys doing down here at the barrens?" You asked. "Uhh.. W-well I guess w-w-we'd be pl-playing he-here like you T-t-too." Bill stuttered.

You chuckled and said. "Pfft. Go ahead I'm not stopping you do what want.. feel free to visit with me.. if you even.. want too.." The losers looked around for a spot to do something and spread apart. Richie was obviously the one to come sit next to you. He wasn't too far away from you and in fact, quite close. He didn't say anything he just glanced across the river. "Hey watch this." He picked up a flat rock and tossed it into the river, sending the rock to skipping the small waves. You smiled lightly and looked at him. "Cool."

"Y/n you seem cool. Wanna hang out with me and losers club later tomorrow." You looked at him in the eyes. His eyes were quite big in the glasses he wore. " 'losers club' " you echoed. "Ya. Us. Bill, Me, Eddie, Stan, Ben, Beverly. We call ourselves the loser club because we get bullied a lot and stuff. It's kinda sad." You patted his back. "Sorry about that." You said. Richie shrugged. "Eh we kinda get used to seeing Henry's face a lot." You nodded.

You cane to the sudden thought. How could you have forgotten? Richie has a locker close to yours! "Oh my god!" You turned to looked at him. "Omg I'm so stupid your that dumb annoying kid that has a locker close to mine. Oh shit I'm so stupid I must have forgotten! How could have I forgotten you've been close to me for so long! Like, the whole dang school year!" Richie smiled warmly. "Haha. Mhm. I was waiting for you to say that." He said. "Well, why didn't you tell me before hand instead of basically calling me hot and then kissing my hand?" You asked lifting an eye brow. "Just to see how dumb you are." Richie laughed as he pushed your head with his hand.

You stumbled a bit backward and groaned angrily. "Richie don't do that!" Stanley cried. You were the one to speak first. "Oh no, it's fine Stanley. If he ever wants to do that he'll just have to try to push past this!" You pounced on Richie, causing him to fall backwards on the pebbles. He shrieked in surprise.

You kept your grip light and tried not to look like you were about to kill him so that the losers wouldn't have to pull you off. You made a playful giggling sound as you stared down at Richie. But little what you realized is that you were sitting right on top of Richie's hips. "Umm.. Y/n, your sitting on top of me in a position looking that we're having sex with our clothes on." Richie laughed. The other losers giggled a little too. You slapped Richie's face lightly because getting up. Richie slid himself to his butt and you took his hand to help him up off the ground. He was blushing a little.

You looked back at all the losers, embarrassed a little. Embarrassed to the point where you were also blushing. Some of the losers looked at you with teasing smiles on their faces. "Geez, I wouldn't mess with her. I don't wanna be slapped nor have sex with clothes on with her." Eddie mumbled. You rolled your eyes at the small boy. "Pfft. I wouldn't need to pin you down. Your so damn small I could break your arm with a flick of a finger." You replied. Eddie growled and went back to doing what he was doing before.

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