~hello penny!!~ Chapter 6

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"Oh!! Hello Pennywise!! I've missed you! I haven't seen you in a while.." You said softly. "I know love. I've been a busy.." he got up from where he was sitting and padded up to you to pick you up like a small puppy. He had his hands under your armpits and you just floated in his arms. You reached forward for a hug but Pennywise didn't give it to you. "What do you say?" Your arms dropped. "Please?" You asked. He smiled and laughed. "Good girl" he pulled you in and you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his fluffy neck.

You pulled away from the hug and asked; "where have you been? I've missed you a lot!" Pennywise blinked. "I've just been busy. No need to worry about it." You nodded. "Okay well.. I've gotta go. I think someone is waiting for me at home. I'd love to stay with you Pennywise but.. we'll.. I'd like to play with my friend before my mom comes." You explained. "I can walk with you." Pennywise said. "But wouldn't that be really weird if people saw a clown walking a kid home?" You asked. Pennywise set you down in the floor and took your hand. "I can stay hidden from all people when ever I want. And so can you."

You looked at him in a weird way. "Uhhh... how?" You asked. Pennywise shrugged. "It's easy. Just disappear." Pennywise disappeared for a second and then came back. "Oh that was strange... but isn't that like turning invisible?" You asked again. Pennywise shrugged and nodded. "Okay well... can we hurry because I gotta get home." You asked one last time. Pennywise nodded again and with his hand in yours you began to walk with him.

Soon enough you were home and you took the key out of your backpack and slipped the key into the slot. You turned the key and your house door opened. You glanced at Pennywise how had big eyes looking at you. He was towering over you. "Do y'wanna come in?" You asked him, smiling softly. He still stared at you.

He didn't more nor was he making a sound. Just burning eyes. "Pennywise stop looking at me like that it's weird." You said, stepping inside your house covering up half your face with the door of your house. "Why do I smell blood?" Pennywise asked. There was a tint of angriness in his voice. "Huh what do you mean?" You asked but Pennywise didn't answer. He barged through your door and picked you up by your shoulders, your arms pressed against your sides.

"Ow! What are you doing??" You growled curiously. Pennywise sniffed you up and down. You kicked your legs. "Stay still." Pennywise growled as he pinched your arms with sharp claws. He stopped sniffed when he reached your the area around your hips. (Authors note: if ur a dude reading this, skip 2 whole clumps of words 🤣 )

"Okay Pennywise that's enough!! I'm alright love no need to be like this!" You shape-shifted into a small squirrel and fell to the ground. You wiped around and bounced a few steps forward before turned back around and changing into your normal self again. You came face to face with Pennywise and he had an angry confusion on his face. "Pennywise I'm fine. You don't have to worry about anything. It just happens from time to time. Now do you wanna come in or no?" You confronted Pennywise.

You didn't want home to know you were on your... well... you know... or dose he know what those are? How much dose this thing know about humans? You thought. You expected Pennywise to reply to your thoughts but he just stepped into your house with you and growled. He didn't growl in anger, it was worryingly.

You closed the door and padded to the stairs. You looked behind yourself to see if he was still following you. He was standing in the middle of the hallway with his arms dangling from his shoulders and looking around your whole house. "Nothing to see here. Come with me Okay." You said signalling your head to follow you up the stairs. He turned his head toward the stairs and padded after you.

As he followed you up the stairs you could hear the jingling of bells on his suit. You haven't seen any bells on his suit before. Where are they coming from? You thought. You reached the top of the stairs and so did Pennywise. You stopped and then looked at him. "Do you know which room is mine?" You asked him. He nodded "yes, that's easy I can smell your scent coming from there." He pointed his index fringed to your room. "Wow. That's pretty cool." You padded over to your room and opened the door. The smell of your coconut perfume filled the cool air.

You closed your eyes and inhaled the scent again before crashing down onto the bed. "I love this place." You sighed happily. You laid in the bed  for 7 more seconds before sitting up to look at Pennywise. You signalled with your head for him to sit with you. Pennywise obeyed and sat in the bed with you.

You stared at the carpet with a blank expression on your face. Pennywise was watching and with that, suddenly Pennywise waved a hand over your fave like he was trying to get your attention or seeing if you'd have any reaction. You closed your eyes for a second more and opened them and turned to look at Pennywise. "How do I have these powers? The question has been in my mind for such a long time now.." You asked, your voice trembling. "Honestly y/n, I'm not sure. I arrived on Earth thinking I'd be the only one ever here. And then you came. I don't know why. You'll have to live with it my dear. If you weren't the same species I would have killed you. But your not." He took your hand.

"But you have me now. You don't have anybody else. Those humans are just people who are taking care of you at the moment." "So this isn't a dream is it?" You asked quickly. Pennywise shook his head no. You looked at him in disbelief. "That's sounds so hard to believe! I mean like.. listen to this! Me bumping into you in the first place, seeing those 'dead lights' things in your mouth, being able to shape-shift, having a clown following me everywhere, like..." you sighed. Pennywise nodded. "Life is not perfect but it's not that bad. Sometimes things are hard but you must push on"

You shrugged and nodded. " I guess.." you mumbled. "But having cool shape-shifting powers is a life changer!" You said. You changed into a small ginger cat and cane to cuddle with Pennywise. "Aren't you cute?" Pennywise purred. You didn't reply. The only sound that was coming out of you were purrs.

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