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It had been three days. THREE. DAYS. And Minhyuk was still acting weird around him. Ever since they left the mall he'd been keeping his distance, and Hyungwon had absolutely no idea why simply because Minhyuk had no idea himself. Hyungwon had had it up to the very tips of Minhyuk's beautiful blonde hair with the awkwardness and he was drawing the line. When Minhyuk came over tonight for their weekly pizza and movie sleepover, Hyungwon was going to do everything in his power to figure out what was up. He'd first thought that Minhyuk was simply jealous, and Hyungwon had no problem with that at all. But this was more than jealousy. Jealousy wouldn't have Minhyuk looking so upset and, if Hyungwon didn't know better, almost heartbroken when he thought Hyungwon couldn't see.

It had been two hours and nothing Hyungwon had subtly tried had worked so far— Minhyuk was still steadfastly not thinking about whatever it was that got him so upset. Hyungwon had one last idea, but he didn't know if it would bring more harm than good and was slightly terrified to try ... they hadn't said a word about the girl since it happened, and the only thing Hyungwon could think to do was bring her up and see what happened.

"Hey ... Min?" Hyungwon waited until Minhyuk glanced at him and made a slight noise to indicate he was listening before continuing. "Do you remember that cute girl from the mall who was hitting on me?" Aaaaaand there it was. Minhyuk's mind flashed to said incident and then replayed his words before getting stuck on 'cute'.

CUTE girl? Why not just girl? Why is he even bringing it up unless he's interested in her at all? Dammit, I knew he was straight ... fuck.

Hyungwon had an extremely hard time controlling his smile when he realized what was really bothering Minhyuk. Yeah ... definitely can't have him thinking that he, HYUNGWON, was straight. He chuckled a little bit. Never in a million years.

"Um. Yeah I remember her. Why?" Minhyuk's tone was flat and he was no longer looking at Hyungwon.

"Well ... I was just thinking about how I wish everyone was born with a sign above their forehead that broadcasted their sexuality to everyone." Minhyuk looked back at him, clearly confused.

"Why? Wouldn't that bring a lot of unwanted attention to closeted people?"

"I didn't think about that," Hyungwon admitted. "I was just thinking, if everybody automatically knew I was gay, I wouldn't ever have those awkward moments with girls like the one at the mall."

This time, Hyungwon couldn't control his smile when Minhyuk's mind kicked into overdrive. It's a good thing the boy was way to preoccupied with his thoughts to notice.

Wait a second ... did he just say he's gay?! Oh my god he just said he was gay what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck ohmygod wait wait wait no way— wait I need to clarify. How do I clarify without sounding creepy? Who am I kidding it's Hyungwon he won't judge me he's weird as fuck too—"

Hyungwon's grin dropped and he stopped listening to what Minhyuk was thinking in order to pout. Minhyuk thinks he's weird? Or course Minhyuk thinks he's weird, he is weird. Hyungwon didn't know whether to be flattered or not. He was torn out of his thoughts when Minhyuk blurted, "You're gay?"

Hyungwon laughed out loud; he couldn't help it. Minhyuk looked absolutely adorable with his hands covering his mouth and his eyes wide like he couldn't believe what he just said.

"Minhyuk, I'm about as straight as a rainbow popsicle that's shaped like a dick." Hyungwon was proud of himself for that one because the way Minhyuk cracked up when he registered his words was worth the crazy comparison.

"Oh my god," Minhyuk gasped through his giggles. "You did NOT just say that!"

"What? It's true! And also, if rainbow dick popsicles aren't a thing that needs to be invented ASAP." Minhyuk cracked up all over again while Hyungwon smiled fondly. And for the most part, life went back to normal. The only difference? Minhyuk's thoughts got a LOT less subtle and happened a LOT more frequently. When they got ready for bed that night and Hyungwon was brushing his teeth, he almost choked on his toothpaste when he heard Minhyuk's latest thirst thought.

His teeth are so pretty ... I want to run my tongue over them. I bet he tastes like mint all the time ... I wonder if he— no no no think disgusting thoughts, think disgusting thoughts ... "

Hyungwon had to physically hold his mouth closed to stop his bubbling laughter from overflowing — he had a VERY good idea what direction Minhyuk's thoughts had been about to take. He decided he was done ignoring the older boy's thoughts and he was fully ready to tease the fuck out of him.

"Hey Minhyuk?" Hyungwon asked in a lilting voice when they were both in his bed. Minhyuk turned on his side to face him by way of reply. "Do you think my teeth look okay?" He leaned forward so his face was directly in front of Minhyuk's and smiled widely, taking great pleasure in the way Minhyuk froze.

Fuck, what do I do? Why is he so close to me ... his breath smells amazing oh my god. Wait what did he ask me again?"

"W-what?" Minhyuk stuttered. "I said," Hyungwon whispered. "Do my teeth look okay?" Minhyuk let go of the breath he clearly hadn't realized he was holding, and Hyungwon was close enough to clearly smell his bubblegum toothpaste. "Yeah... they're beautiful," he breathed. "Thanks!" Hyungwon smiled brightly again before turning onto his other side and snuggling into his pillow, falling asleep to Minhyuk's confused "what on earth just happened" thoughts.

Hyungwon woke up to Minhyuk snuggled into his neck, cheeks puffy and lips pressed right into his jaw. His leg was tossed over Hyungwon's waist and one of his hands was curled into the fabric of the shirt Hyungwon wore to bed. The younger couldn't help but fanboy, squealing in his head about how absolutely adorable Minhyuk looked. He didn't move for several minutes, enjoying the embrace and thinking about what he wanted to make for breakfast. When he eventually decided on strawberry pancakes (Minhyuk's favorite) he sighed, knowing he needed to wake up the cute boy glued to his side.

"Miiiiiiinnnn," he cooed into the older boys ear, smiling softly when the only response he got was Minhyuk cuddling into him a little closer. "Minhyuk, you gotta get up," he tried again, shaking him a little. Minhyuk stirred and slowly opened his eyes, though he was clearly not fully awake because he just frowned and buried his face further into Hyungwon's neck, murmuring a quiet, "don't wanna". Hyungwon chuckled. "I'm making pancakes." Minhyuk turned his head back out of Hyungwon's neck, opening one eye. "What kind?" "Strawberry." "..." "With whipped creeeaaaammmmm," Hyungwon tried nudging further. Minhyuk gave him an unimpressed pout and stared Hyungwon down until he sighed, exasperated but amused. "Fine! Chocolate syrup too. And I'll make you coffee."

Hyungwon watched Minhyuk sit up immediately, rub his eyes and then pout.

"I was comfy," he said, crossing his arms. Hyungwon thought for a minute. "We can watch a movie and cuddle with tons of blankets after breakfast if you want." He found it hilarious how quickly Minhyuk went back to his usual energetic self after that, giving Hyungwon a smile to cure cancer.


Hyungwon couldn't stop thinking that Minhyuk's cheeks really were so cute in the morning, and before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Minhyuk's cheek right before turning his head and kissing the other one.

"You look even more adorable than usual in the morning," he whispered by way of explanation, then got up and rushed out of the room to make breakfast when his brain caught up to his actions. Fuck. He was way more whipped than he'd thought. And there was no way Minhyuk hadn't noticed his red face. Yeah ... fuck.

A Tale of Two Dipshits (but one can read minds) Where stories live. Discover now