💭c'mon y/n get your shit together💭

michael: it isn't going to be easy getting through this. especially when they're also giving you dirty looks. and.... taking pictures?

you turned around and they were obviously talking shit about you. shit. one of them had taken a picture of you hugging michael. not the best look.

y/n: oh my fucking god

the bell rang. NOOOO.

michael: i'm pretty sure mattia is probably going to try and switch partners. you can partner with me, and mattia can partner with my partner. 

he said, walking you to first period. 

and there you saw mattia already talking to the teacher. the teacher gave you a look, as if she knew what was up. she nodded her head while talking to mattia, and gave you a smile that said 

"i know."

mattia walked past you completely ghosting you. pretending you didn't exist. he sat down next to some other girl who was....actually pretty. you did not want to see this.

michael: hey, if you're going to get over this, stop looking at him. 

y/n: i don't want to get over him.

michael: y/n. he obviously doesn't want you back. i know it's hard to take in but i'm trying to save you from wasting your time.

y/n: you're right. uh... so what's the plan after school?

you needed a distraction. 

michael: come over to my house?

y/n: yeah, sure.

michael: alright, it's a plan.

you and michael continued the project. 

throughout the period you just couldn't help it. you stared at mattia, seeing him flirt with that other girl. it hurt. now that he was single he would go back to his 'player' ways. you had him in your hands, tamed, locked, and now there's probably no chance getting him back. 

michael: y/n?

you shook out of thought.

y/n: hm?

michael: you really need a distraction. you can't stop staring at him. he doesn't want you y/n.

y/n: i know. sorry. 

the bell rang.

y/n: can i hang out with you at lunch?

michael: uh.... um, yeah. sure. 


y/n: you sure?

mattia polibio: my boyWhere stories live. Discover now