Part One

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The bird like chirping of my alarm involuntarily woke me from my deep sleep, I slammed my finger into the digital screen above my head killing the alarm instantly but alas I was already awake. I shifted in my bed and pressed my warm feet against the cold metallic floor of my room.

"Mother, daily stats please" I called to the onboard A.I. as I rose out of my bed, shambling towards the bathroom.

"The date is the thirty first of May, twenty nine fifty, all onboard systems are running perfectly, perishable supplies are at thirty seven percent, our solar system will finish charging in sixteen minutes and the rest of the crew are waking as we speak" the soothing voice from the speaker informed.

"Make a note for us to get to a station for resupply within the next two days and get a brew on please Mother" I requested as I zipped up my jumpsuit.

"Will do Captain" she responded calmly.

As the door slid open, I grasped my steaming mug  and entered into the main corridor on the ship, heading into the common area and then opening the door into the crew quarters, standing before a mix match group of bounty hunters.

"I hope you're all ready, or at least getting ready, for today because we're finally close enough to take down our biggest bounty yet, he's still supposedly on the planet we're currently orbiting so like every ground op before this, Lex is taking the lead" I said pointing at the one still sitting in her bunk.

"We've got plenty of time 'til our window so get sorted, get some food and get kitted up, we're dropping in two hours" my little speech was met by some small cheers and eager faces from the group, we were all greatly looking forward to the reward from this bounty.

I stepped onto the bridge, the whole room coming to life before me, contrasting the infinite darkness and deep brown planet beyond the massive glass window.

"Mother, track the target and block all transceivers in their possession for me" I said as I placed my mug on the holotable.

The idling holotable now came to life, displaying a semitransparent image of the planet below us with a small blinking red light indicating our targets rough location. I skimmed the map looking for a reasonable landing point, deciding on a large, flat, rock surface roughly ten miles from the target.

"Cap, breakfast is ready if you wanted to join us" asked Red through the intercom beside me.

I exited the bridge, taking the elevator down a level to the main deck where I walked into the mess hall, being greeted with "good mornings" from the five crew members sat around the large table in front of me, each seat had a full plate of bacon, sausage, potatoes and eggs, most of it was rehydrated stuff but we really didn't care. I took my place at the seat on the end of the table, placing down my hat and mug and as soon as my fork touched the food I was thrown a question.

"So, have you decided on a drop point?" Lex asked from beside me.

"Yeah, gonna set us down about ten miles North of the target zone, no need for the Viper" I said whilst half chewing a clump of bacon.

"The real question is though, we going in stealthy or guns blazing?" Pine asked, clearly hinting at his desire for the latter option.

"Preferably as quiet as we can, we know they have at least one fighter craft and one lander so if we aren't careful they'll punch out before we even see 'em" my statement was immediately met by a sigh from Pine.

"Standard search and seize procedure, Lex, Red and I in the Ronin, the rest of you on the Hounds, I'll be leaving Mother in charge of the ship and she'll be permitted to shoot down anything attempted to leave skyward so be warned if shit goes down" I explained.

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