⋘6⋙ When Hatred Spills

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[Year of Méiguī Lóng, Century of Luòrì] (I can't seem to format this with laptop or browser? I'll fix that ASAP)

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[Year of Méiguī Lóng, Century of Luòrì] (I can't seem to format this with laptop or browser? I'll fix that ASAP)

"He hates both deities and Demons yet for the past three or four days, he forced himself to stand at his land's border to watch those Flower Deities and fairies. He came out to meet you despite fearing something like this would happen and now look at him!" Passionate about the god, Qi Pian clenched his hands and thrust a fist in Mo Sha's direction. The man's nostrils flared in Xue Hua's face. "Whatever you were talking about with him put him in this state. Do you understand how powerful this new anger is to put someone as strong as him in a torpid state? Please come back another day to hear everything."

Xue Hua felt a strange prick in the corner of her eye after what seemed to be a scolding from the tall man swathed in shadows. She shook her head, feeling lost and conflicted so she returned to kneel on the floor. Moving as slow as a sloth, she reached for the parchment of paper and a foxtail brush formed in her hands. With tight lips, she scribbled characters until they became words and filled the paper.

Waiting for the ink to dry, Xue Hua adjusted herself so that she was sitting on the floor and her legs were folded at her chest. They almost touched Qi Pian's skirt and when he moved closer, the woman drew her legs closer to her. In silence, they watched Mo Sha who was tucked under a dark blanket and he did not seem to be breathing. Almost squeaking, Xue Hua spoke to Qi Pian while getting up from the floor.

With two hands she offered the paper to Mo Sha's friend or servant and before he could check the content, Xue Hua put a hand on his wrist. Her left eye twitched but a smile formed on her face, lighting it up. "He is not in good shape so I should not stay any longer. I apologize for my bad reaction and I know you are both good men but for someone who is a High Goddess, I cannot stay calm. Will you let me know when he wakes from whatever has happened? I promise to sort out my feelings before then."

His haggard face was enough to give the goddess a feeling that she was not welcome as a visitor anymore. Qi Pian's dark aura wrapped around her but before anything could happen, he stopped himself and the demonic man's dark eyes returned to their less threatening colour. Clutching his head with one hand, the other untied the mask tied to his belt which he positioned on his face. "I trust you will come to your senses soon but if I find you betray our secrets, I cannot promise that I will stay still. He is much more magnanimous as he is only half-Demon. I am a different kind from the ones you know and hate."

"Stop scaring her, you did enough Qi Pian," Mo sha says while staring up at the dark lantern. With one blow of air, flashing flames reignited and light washed their surroundings. The god released a loud sigh and waved his hand. "Please, Qi Pian, let me speak to her before she goes back to North Academy. I do not wish to send her off where you left off - we need to clear a few things and even in this state, she will be as harmful as a cat."

Unsure of what to think, the man dressed in shades rolled his eyes. Qi Pian tossed Xue Hua's letter to the god. "You hated cats because at one point in your life, they have harmed you, right? Fine, I am not even my own person so I have no say in this, is that right? Unless you have fallen for her despite claiming to prepare for breaking the contract, I have no idea what is on your mind but let me say that Tiantang is corrupt. She has stayed too long with them."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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