deformed words

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davey and les stood in line as they do every day for their papers, budging into conversations around them until it was their turn. katherine was around, observing the boys and their natural order.

everyone loved kath. they would hug her (more like strangle her) or do their made-up handshake with her. jack was especially all over her, never leaving her side unless he needed to.

it bothered davey—but not too much. it just set off a pang in his chest that he couldn't pinpoint. he never felt that way before and chose to ignore it.

but, it did make him mad that after every passing day jack would almost ignore him completely. maybe a few instructions here and there but that would be it.

how could they go weeks of planning and organizing a whole strike together then have jack act like it was nothing? davey tried his best to not think about it though. every time he did, he ended up breaking something (yes, there is a hole in his bedroom wall).

"david," les tugged at his brothers shirt, "it's our turn." david snapped out of his trance and smiled nervously, trying to play it off. he hadn't realized he was staring. at what? at who? he couldn't remember besides the fact he was trapped in his own racing thoughts.

he paid for their papers and handed les his share hastily. he pulled his little brother along, who was hesitant to follow. "why are we trying to leave so fast! dave!" he whined, trying to break daveys tight grip. "dave, stop!"

davey huffed angrily and halted, letting go of his brother. "why? what? did you forget something?"

"no! no ones left yet! we can't go yet!" les complained, stomping down his feet. that's when race swooped in, picking up the kid and taking his hat.

davey hadn't noticed the tapping of his foot on the ground or how tightly his arms were crossed across his chest. he hadn't noticed his irritated expression or the tapping of his fingers against his other arm. he was ready to leave. why? he didn't care to know. he just wanted to go home and be away from here. away from jack.

"you's steamin," race laughed through gritted teeth that held the cigar in place. at least it wasn't lit. it was too early for this. "sleep on the wrong side o'the bed?" he ruffled les' hair then set him back down, pushing his hat back on his head.

"it's nothing, race. it's fine," he sighed exasperatedly, grabbing his brother again.

"gee, take a chill pill, why don't'cha? jus' askin' a question! saw you's brother cryin' an' thought somethin' was up. you's ain't been you's self," race mentioned bluntly, caring less about watching his words.

"i don't know what you're talking about and frankly i don't care," davey responded. "look, everyone's leaving. i'll catch you later."

"not gonna say hi to katherine?" race wasn't giving up. davey stopped in his tracks again and tensed up.

"tell her i said hi, will you?" david then continued walking out of the gates of the newsies square he knew so well.

he dreaded the thought of leaving the place behind. he belonged there more than he did at school. he had a second family with the newsies. he enjoyed the little interactions he had with everyone, even if it was just about how buttons fell off a curb again or how many women romeo flirted with. it lightened his day immensely. it was what he needed.

a distraction, thats what he needed. from the thoughts that broke him every night. but, he couldn't figure out why they tore them apart. he didn't know what it was or why it was there. his heart broke into a million pieces every passing night. his sister knew about his breakdowns. maybe she even knew what about.

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