Start from the beginning

Babirou:"Its very nice to meet you, thank you for helping us back there."

Ruby:"Hey no problem."

Weiss:"Come with us to Atlas academy, they will help you."

Mokura:"We are looking for a man by the name Gen otori, would you happen to know him?."

Ruby:"You mean Ultraman Leo, yeah we know him."

Babirou:"Can you bring us to him?."

Yang:"Sure thing."

"When they returned to Atlas academy, looked for Leo."

Ruby:"Oh look, there's Leo, hey, Leo!."

Gen:"Why hello team RWBY and team MHTH."

Daigo:"Leo, we have two girls here who would like to talk to you."

Yang:"Gen, meat Mokura and Babirou."

Mokura:"Hi, you must be Gen otori."

Gen:"Yes, in a way I am."

Babirou:"Its nice to meet you."

Gen:"Well it's nice to meet you as well, hey I got to go now, but it was nice to meet you two lovely ladies."

"Gen walks away."

Ruby:"Hey Mokura, Babirou, would you two like to be our friends?."


Babirou:"Why of course we would Ruby."

Ruby:"(squeals with glee) Yes, tomorrow, let's go back down to Mantle."

Babirou:"Good idea, we'll see you tomorrow team RWBY."

"Team RWBY returned to their dorm room."

"The next day, Mokura and Babirou met up with Team RWBY and team KAMM."

Hiroyuki:"So what do you want to do first team RWBY?."

Ruby:"Well, we'll see what happens."

"So they went down to Mantle and had a really great day, (I didn't wright what they did because I'm too lazy to) and they returned to Atlas at about 8:00."

Ruby:"That was a really fun day we had, want to do this again tomorrow?."

Babirou:"That sounds really great."

????:"I'm afraid that will not be happening you two traitors."

Hiroyuki:"Who's there?."

"The sky started to crack open."

"When it did, Kyrieloid Kiridoas was seen looking through it."

Katsumi:"Kyrieloid Kiridoas!."

Kiridoas:"My master has sent me to come and make those two traitors pay!."

Riku:"She's opened a rift from her masters tower!."

"Kiridoas blasts Mokura and Babirou with painful amounts of energy, causing them to grow in size turning them back into their true forms."

"It turned out that Mokura was the female Alien Magma that invaded Vale a few months ago."


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