Chapter 2

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"Alright team you know your places - turn your coms on. If anything out of order happens make sure to report it immediately. Fury said he has no insight on what might or might not take place so be on alert!" Sam - the teams newest Leader and Captain America says.


Once the quintet landed a good couple of miles from the HYDRA base the team begin to exit and take cover. Peter was high up in the trees with Clint was was to be their eyes and ears, Natasha and Bucky roamed the grounds ducking behind trees in hopes of not being spotted. Sam was still in the quintet with Banner - Bruce, who both were montioring the team through their suits newest cameras. Sam has been injured and by Bruce's orders had to stay on the quinjet and sit this mission out.
"I've got sight of two HYDRA agents," Clint says through his earcom. Peter clung to the tree branch waiting orders to capture them but he felt uneasy for some reason, why would HYDRA agents wonder so far from the base.
"Peter - slick and quick web them to the tree and check them for anything." Sam says through a com.

"Roger that Captain -" Peter makes quick work with a jump and a spin in the air he releases his webs from his web shooter, it wraps the two HYDRA agents up quickly in tight knots and he webs them both to the nearest tree him and Clint were in. Hopping down both men begin to search the HYDRA agents pockets.

That uneasy feeling came back as Peter reached his hand inside of one of their pockets he pulled out a small boxed device. "Clint?!"

"Drop it!"

A explosion went off knocking both Clint and Peter back. Bucky and Natasha could hear it from their hiding spots with a quick glance at one another they took off running in the direction of their two team mates.

Back on the quinjet, Bruce and Sam were freaking out. That explosion was loud and it was very close to both Clint and Peter. "Eyes and ears! I need eyes and ears -" Sam grunted as his body fell forward and Bruce turned quickly in his spinny chair his eyes go wild and before he can turn green he is knocked unconscious by a needle stabbing him in the neck.

"Got them - only two left..."

Visions were blurry and heads were throbbing the first thing the team noticed when they awoke was that their gear had been removed, they were dressed in hospital gowns and were all strapped down to hospial beds. Peter was freaking out, his mask was gone which meant the enemy knew what his face looked like which put Aunt May at risk.

"Glad you could all join us," a heavy set man wheels out from the dark corner of the room, he's dressed in a lab coat.

"You bastard! Release us!" Clint growled. He wasn't one for getting pissed off easily but when he was pissed he had a great reason to express it.

"Oh do calm down Mr. Barton," the doctor smirks creepily at them all. "We have much to catch up on..."

Natasha looked around the room only to silently panic, where was Bruce?!

"Where is he?!" She growled out her tone just as rough and firm as clint's.

"Who?" Questions the Doctor.

"Banner! Where is he!?"

"Oh that monster! He's simply in the cage with that other girl..." the doctor replies.

"What other girl!?" Peter splats our quickly.

"Ah Miss Maximoff -" the teams eyes widen. "Such a shame really, she did her best to fight us when we captured her but you know how that ended," the doctor chuckles darkly.
Natasha begin throwing insults to the man in Russian - Bucky following suit. Peter was struggling in his chains and Clint was doing his best from lashing out. Sam was the only calm one, not because he wasn't furious at this whole thing - no, because he could make out the shadowy figure of a woman standing above the doctor on a piller. She shushed him and from what Sam could make out told him to keep calm and quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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