Chapter 2

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"Hey Yami, what the heck are you doing?" Tea ran up to Yami wearing her usual gettup.

Yami shrugged.

"You're late to your cat's birthday!" She said grabbing his wrist and pulling him toward a giant purple mansion.

A butterfly flew by his face, angrily shouting something in what sounded like Russian.

Rainbow glittery balloons danced in front of Yano's ankles.

"Yami, pull your skirts up! You're going to get dirt on your wedding dress."

Yami looked down, and indeed, he was wearing a wedding dress. He huffed and pulled his skirts up.

"I'm just a bill, on Capital Hill." sang a voice nearby.

Okay this is weird, Yami thought.

"Yami. Wake up! " The world shook.

"Wake. Up!"

"Wake up!"

Yami's eyes shot open, quickly taking in his surroundings. It appeared he was in a bed, which strangely had a strong scent of lavender. It was a small, cozy bedroom that had a computer desk in the corner and a closet in another.

He looked his other direction and saw a boy worriedly looking at him.

"Uh..." Yami said, clearly flabbergasted.

The boy put his hand against Yami's forehead.

"Grandpa we need another cold towel!" The boy yelled towards the stairs. Yami heard a groan, footsteps, and then a short old man was upstairs holding a cold drippy dishrag.

"Here you go Yugi. Call me if you need anything else!"

The old man made sounds as he went down the stairs. He was short, and looked very frail, having difficulties climbing. The stairs would most likely take a lot of energy in his condition. Yami felt a urge to get up and help him, but his strained muscles decided against that. The boy, Yugi, looked like he felt the same way but he looked back at Yami.

"You are crazy. No one was out in that storm except you." He said firmly, yet his voice had kindness coated all over it. Yami didn't notice at first, but the boy kind of looked like him. He could actually be his doppelganger, if it weren't for the difference in eye color and height.

"I didn't m-" Yami was caught off by Yugi putting the dishrag on his forehead. It hit him with a jolt of cold and beads of the water ran down his head. Yami wiped them off with his hand.

"Hey!" Yami yelped, swatting at him.

Yugi rolled his eyes. "Who do you think I am, a nurse?"

Yami blinked, imagining Yugi wearing a nurse's outfit. Although he knew nothing about the boy, he found the image funny.

Yami was surprised when he laughed. Not a giggle, a smile, but a laugh that made him double over.

Yugi looked at him like he was crazy. At the moment, he probably was.

"Do you have anyone that might be looking for you?" Yugi ask raising an eyebrow. Yami nodded, and cleared his throat.

"324-2089." He said as Yugi smiled.

"That's Joey's number. He's a good friend of mine." Yugi tapped in the number quickly and the phone rang a few time before being picked up by Joey.

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