34. Completely broken

Start from the beginning

"Cause I'm not ready for this! I don't want this" I yelled frustrated.

"You don't want baby?" He asked and I shook my head. And mumbled "No"

"Then tell her to abort" he suggested.

"She never agree for this and if i even success to convince her but my parents never let her do this. I saw my mother's lit up eyes after hearing this news" I said and shrugged my shoulders defeatedly.

"So your accepting this" Jake asked and nodded as if he can see me.

"I don't have any other options" I muttered. Closing my eyes.

"Did you forget about your word trip or your dream?" He asked and my eyes snap open.

"No! But what can I do?" I asked frustratedly fisting my hair.

"Tell them that.. that's not your child" he said and my eyes grew wide.

"Are you out of your mind! I told you that's child is mine!" I shouted at him

"I know I know man! But listen to me first" he said.

"What?! What you have to say?!" I bark at him.

"First calm down and listen wisely!" He requested and I sighed. Calming myself.

"Okay say what you want to say" I said and ready myself to listen wisely. Cause now I really needed some suggestions.

"Tell them that Hana's child is not yours.. they will ask her to abort cause that child is not yours.. and then you tell them that your ready to forgive Hana's sin and want to accept her.. it makes your parents proud of you and you'll get rid of that child either." He said and I felt knock in my stomach.

"No no... I can't do this" I mumbled not sure what to do.

"Rahem... Dude think about your future your dreams.. it all will shattered" he said.

"And if hana leave me then I will be shatter! No I can't do this! She loves me yaar! I already gave her too much pain. if this time I do anything wrong then I know she will break and I don't want this.. I don't want to lose my jaan-e-maan" I said first part to him and last sentence to myself.

"Rahem. Think wisely.. we are talking about your future.. and about hana. She will never leave you.. we all know how crazy she is for you.. maybe she will be angry at first but then she will forgive you"

"But we are talking about my child Jake" my voice barely came out. Cause i was confused frustrated.

"Rahem tell me your experience about marriage did you enjoy?" he ask and I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You told me that this serious relationship make your life hell. You can't handle this.. wife and husband think" he said and i rested my head on the back of my seat without opening my mouth.

"Think if this marriage make your life hell then what this child can do" he was saying and I was listening silently.

"But that's my child yaar" I tried to sounded reasonable.

"No it's not! It's just an amount of blood! Now it's up to you.. do you want to ruin your future your dreams for just an amount of blood or want to tell one lie to save you dreams" he said and hung up the call.

And I was confused scared and frustrated. I didn't know which decision will be right and will be in my favor. But Jake was right it was just amount of blood and for that how can I ruin my life. And if I accept this child then what? I couldn't handle hana how I will able to handle this baby. I think Jake was right! I should do this if that make my life easy.

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