Chapter Thirteen

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TW: Disassociation and mentions of past physical abuse

Peter groaned miserably, and he rolled over and snuggled deeper into his comforter. Who knew a headache and a cold could make someone feel this terrible? There was nothing Peter wanted to do more than fall back asleep, but he had school today.

Peter whined, impossibly unhappy. With only two more weeks of school left before summer, it was so unfair that he'd feel this awful now. Although, to be fair, it's not like Peter wanted to go to school.

After the press conference, Peter was right, everyone was treating him differently now. The teachers all stared at him like he was some puzzle that needed to be fixed and all the students whispered and pointed. It made him feel like a freak.

Peter groaned again and a cough tore itself out of his throat. Peter winced at the raw feeling in his throat and sat up, a small wave of vertigo washing over him. "Shit." he muttered.

"Peter?" Pepper called, knocking on the door. Peter's headache spiked. "Peter, honey, are you up?"

"Yeah," Peter mumbled, wincing as the pain in his throat increased. He needed water. "I'm up."

"Are you okay?" Pepper asked, and Peter could head the frown in her voice. Peter didn't answer, instead choosing to burrow once more into his blankets. Peter winced when the door creaked open and it sounded like nails dragging down a chalkboard. "Peter?"

"H-Hey, Pepper." Peter said, and then a cough tore itself out of his throat.

"What's wrong, honey?" she asked, and Peter felt the bed dip under her weight. "Are you feeling okay? FRIDAY?" she asked when Peter didn't answer.

"Peter appears to be suffering from a minor cold and migraine," FRIDAY said in a helpful and bubbly tone.

"Aw, Peter," Pepper cooed, and Peter sighed when she gently traced the lines on his forehead with her finger. "It's going to be okay. Do you want to stay home today?" she asked.

Peter frowned, back to his earlier dilema. He definitely didn't want to go to school feeling like such utter crap, but at the same time, did it make him a coward for not wanting to deal with the school's bullshit again?

Pepper decided for him. "How about I go make you some hot tea while you try and go back to sleep, hm?" she said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I'll call the school and tell them not to expect you."

"Thanks Pep." Peter mumbled, allowing his head to rest back against the pillow. The pounding in his head did not subside, but the anxiety threatening to choke him eased back when he found he wouldn't be going to school today.



"Peter don't---"

"Why? Why?"

Pepper tried so hard to fight off the laughter that threatened to choke her. "Peter, please---"


Peter, in a fit of rage, threw the bin of popcorn on the ground and let out a yell of frustration before instantly hissing and covering his head. The migraine did not appreciate his passion.

"Are you okay?" Pepper asked, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"No." Peter said with a pout, flopping back onto the couch. "She picked the wrong man."

"No, honey, I meant your head." Pepper said.

"No, my head hurts," Peter said matter-of-factly. "But my pride hurts even worse. How? How could she do this? I mean, seriously! What was she thinking?!"

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