Chapter Three

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"What do you have for me, Ned?" Peter asks as he perches on a rooftop. "Anything good?"

"It's a pretty tame night, Peter." Ned says. "Nobody has called in anything suspicious."

"Why does no one commit any crimes anymore?" Peter groaned. Ned chuckled in his ear.

"Isn't that a good thing?" he asked. Peter just huffed.

"Yeah." he said. "I just wish I had something to do. I've been so bored lately!" Peter groaned and laid back against the roof. "I haven't been out as Spider-Man in a while..."

Peter looked up at the night sky. In New York it was almost impossible to see the stars from all the light pollution, but with Peter's enhanced eyesight he could easily make out the speckled light in the sky. It was beautiful.

"Hey Peter! I got something for you!" Ned said. Peter sat up, an excited grin replacing his indifferent expression.

"Hit me." Peter said.

"A possible robbery on fifth." Ned said. "Be careful, they might be armed."

Peter just jumped off of the roof, letting out a yelp of excitement, and swung over the streets. Swinging through the night had always been a huge stress relief and Peter didn't know why he hadn't thought of doing this sooner.

Peter arrived in front of the bank to see a group of people walking around in the bank. Peter silently enters, the group of bad guys not seeing him because he was on the ceiling. He watched as they struggled to break into the ATM. It wasn't until they mentioned breaking and entering the vault that Peter decided to let his presence be known.

"Hi, welcome to Capital One. How may I be of service to you today?" Peter asked. The taller man spun around at the voice.

"You're that bug dude!" he said. Peter frowned.

"Why does everyone say that?" he asked. "I have a name dude. Spider-Man. Come on, it's not that hard." The man merely growled and picked up a pen and threw it at Peter. Peter dodged it easily but the shock of having a pen thrown at him almost stopped him. "Did you... Did you just throw a pen at me?"

"Come down here so I can squash you." he said.

"Um Peter? I think these guys might be dangerous..." Ned said through the comms. Peter would've answered him if he weren't in the middle of a fight. Peter scanned the room.

There were four men, all wearing the standard stealing get up that consists of a ski mask, dark clothes and gloves. The only weapons that Peter could see was a crowbar in thug number three's hands.

Peter shot a web at his hand, sticking both his hand and the crowbar to the wall. Thug # 3 let out a growl of frustration when he found that he couldn't tug his hand free. If Thug # 1 didn't look murderous before...

"Come down and fight me!" # 1 said, his hands clenched into fists. "You're long overdue for a beating!"

Peter hummed from his spot on the ceiling, shaking his head. "No thank you, Mr. Criminal." he said. "I think I like being where I am. Thanks for the offer though."

Peter's spidey-sense urges him to move and he does so, watching with fascination as the spot he had just been at was crushed by a metal chair. Peter looked down to see Thug # 4 glaring at Peter.

"I missed." he said with a deep voice. Peter felt a chuckle rise up in his chest.

"Thanks for the clarification," he said. "I think my feelings would've been hurt if you were aiming for the roof instead of me."

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