y/n: alejandro

michael: ok ok ok, you can tell me at my house. we should get you somewhere stable.

you followed him out to his car. he opened the door for you and went around to the drivers side.

y/n: aren't you high?

michael: tuh, i can drive when high. i just can't drive when drunk.

on the ride back your crying slowed, or so you thought. every time you thought you were about to stop crying, it came hard. again. michael pulled into a pretty ghetto neighborhood. you guys sat in the car for a while. you felt so fucking tired.

michael: alright, so let me get this straight. you cheated on mattia by kissing his best friend?

y/n: yes.

michael: well, did you mean it?

y/n: no.

michael: oh. well that's good. but you still made a mistake.

y/n: i know.

michael: do you plan on trying to get him back.

y/n: yes. 

michael: did he block you on everything yet?

he said lightly laughing.

y/n: pshh. yeah.

he got out of the car and opened your door for you. he grabbed your hand helping you out.

he opened his door and you guys entered his little apartment. you saw his mom at the table, having a glass of wine. she looked beat up. mentally.

michael: hi mom

m/m: hi mike. wow! it's been a while since you brought a girl home. who's this? care to introduce her to me?

michael: yeah, this is y/n. we aren't a thing though.

y/n: hi

you said, not aware of how weak you sounded. 

m/m: are you ok sweetie? looks like you could use a drink.

y/n: ahahah, it's ok, actually. thanks. it's a drink that actually got me like this haha.

you kept blaming the substances for what happened. when really it was you. your fault. nothing else's. your heart hurt. your brain felt fried. you really needed to just sleep.

m/m: aww, poor thing. well, why don't you take a shower?

michael: is dad out with his friends again?

m/m: no. i kicked him out again. the bastard was getting too routy. 

in other words, violent. you can tell.

michael: oh.

you looked around as they spoke. dents in the wall. broken glass. this was a broken home and the mom was obviously broken too. you could see right through her fake happiness.

mattia polibio: my boyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя