The Truth And Fights

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Third Person's POV

The turtles stormed back into the lair after avoiding getting caught by the police. All their minds were on about what just took place at police headquarters. Being exposed and being called monsters took a hit to all of them, especially Mikey. Plus, they were worried about the girls. Were they okay? Were their parents sickened by the fact that their daughters are dating giant mutant turtles?

"It is all over the police scanner, they are hunting you. What happened up there?" Splinter asked his sons as they approached him. 

"Tell him, Raph. Tell him how you broke rank and got us all exposed. For the most selfish reason." Leo said with anger as he took the purple ooze from Raph. "The Foot were gonna get their hands on it." Raph protested. "You didn't know that!" Leo fired back. 

"Stealing from police headquarters... There's no scenario where you wouldn't get caught." Donnie said freaking out, worrying about Daisy. "Maybe if you hadn't lied to your own flesh and blood and our girlfriends!" Raph started to say, telling his brother he knew about them keeping the secret of the ooze from them. 

"Oh, how you lied to Ember? Your own girlfriend? And now she and all our girls are taking the fall for your mess." Leo said being upset about how Raph dragged his girlfriend into his selfish plan.

Raph thought about what Leo said, and he was right. Raph hates himself for lying to Ember. Now, he was worried that she might not want to see him for lying to her. He left for his room to go calm down. 

"You should've seen the looks on their faces." Leo heard Mikey say. He saw the hurt expression on his little brother's face. "They weren't just scared. There was actual hate. And Addie's dad looked at me with, such disgust on his face." Mikey said sadly as he sat down, thinking about what just happened with his girlfriend's parents. He was worried that he was going to lose the best thing to ever happen to him. The one thing that brought him happiness and love. 

Leo just shook his head and walked away. "It will be all right, my son. People fear what they do not understand. And Adagio's father will come around. You just need to give it time." Splinter assured his son that he shouldn't lose hope about losing Addie.

Splinter followed Leo to talk some sense into him. "You can't walk away from this." Splinter pointed out to his eldest son. Leo turned to face his father. "I told him, Master Splinter. But Raph, he never hears a word I have to say. Now, I knew they couldn't handle the truth about the purple ooze, and you know what, they proved me right." Leo says as he puts the ooze in his pants pocket. 

"I don't know what to do. Donnie's nose is in his computer, Raph's brains are in his biceps, and Mikey's head's in the clouds! I can't get them all on the same page. To think with one mind." Leo says being frustrated about how he can't get all his brothers to follow his lead. "Leonardo, you shouldn't want them all to think the same. It's their different point of view that make the team strong. A good leader understands this. A good brother accepts it." Splinter states.

As Leo was thinking about this, he heard Donnie call to them. "Guys? I got something!" "Talk to me Donnie." Leo says as he runs over to where Donnie was on his computer monitors. "The computer's pinpointed the isotopic signature of the purple ooze. I can track Bebop and Rocksteady's exact coordinates." When Donnie finished typing the coordinates, a screen came on about the two criminals' location. 

"I got 'em. They're at 36,000 feet, traveling at 490 knots." Donnie tells everyone. "Whoa! They've achieved the power of flight! God for them, you know." Mikey says happily. "They're on a plane, Mikey." Donnie informs to him. Mikey couldn't but feel disappointed, but no matter. 

"It looks like our mutant buddies are headed for Brazil." Donnie informs everyone. "How do we get there?" Leo asked. "We sneak onto the next cargo plane from JFK." Donnie tells everyone as they head out to follow the criminals. As they leave, they can't help but wonder what is happening with the girls and Casey at the police station.

Sapphire's POV

This was bad. Very, very bad! Right now, my friends and I are in an interrogation room, where earlier that bitch Chief Vincent was questioning us. We kept quiet about the turtles' whereabouts, but she showed us a video from TCRI that showed only us girls on it. That video has been edited, but Vincent says it was clean. 

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