03 ➝ artsy asshole

Start from the beginning

He blinked at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

She let out another small laugh. "I think he's just messing with you,"

He pouted. "I hate it here."

Elise giggled. She found him quite funny without him meaning to be. Perhaps it was how expressive he was, the way his brows would furrow and his lip would jut out and his eyes would narrow, over thinking the smallest of things with the most concern. She was a lot like him. It was comforting.

She wrapped her arms around herself loosely, feeling a small breeze brush past her neck. For as many people at the beach that night, she could admit it was rather peaceful, and nothing like the rager she'd pictured when Michael said everyone would be there. He wasn't wrong, per say, for the sand was crowded and the fire pits were full, she just hadn't expected the vibe to be so mellow. It was rather nice, she thought.

Music played from somewhere. She could hear Fleetwood Mac's Rhiannon humming faintly from someone's speaker, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where. From one of the many distinct groups that had formed, she supposed.

"Oh, this is not the right fire pit- whoopsie, fuck-"

Elise flinched, feeling a hand on her shoulder. Her and Calum both turned, catching sight of a girl- a very, very tipsy girl- having stumbled upon their small spot in the sand, attempting to steady herself and the cup her hand.

"Shit, fuck- sorry," the girl sent Elise an apologetic grimace, and she relaxed immediately, for she was harmless. "Didn't mean to scare you, I just really didn't wanna fall on my ass,"

"It's fine," Elise let out a relieved laugh, catching Calum's eye in amusement for a small second before she glanced back at the girl. She was quite pretty; beautiful, actually, with icy-blonde hair and sharp, bold features. "Are you- are you okay?"

The girl let out a dramatic sigh, shrugging. "Is anyone, really?"

"Good point,"

Elise had to agree with her, and Calum.

"Do you wanna sit?" She offered innocently, gesturing to the empty seat Michael left behind, aware the girl had already almost fallen once. Elise wasn't a stranger to alcohol and she wasn't a stranger to the risk of being a tipsy girl on her own, especially in the midst of college students. She wasn't fond of the idea of this eccentric girl wandering around the beach alone.

"God, yes," She nearly collapsed into the seat, a rough breath leaving her lips. "My feet are killing me,"

Calum and Elise shared another glance, still rather amused. He'd seen his fair share of drunk girls, and he was aware of how bold and- for lack of a better word- friendly they could get, but it was always quite entertaining to witness. He cleared his throat. "Do you want us to find someone for you, or-"

"Why have I never seen you before?" The girl squinted suddenly, studying Elise. "Are you new? You must be new. You don't look like a freshman, though,"

Elise blinked. "I-"

"You're really pretty," she tipped her drink toward her, a thoughtful look on her face. "Like really. I'm fucking jealous. I don't mean that in a weird way. I just wanted you to know,"

Stunned, oddly flattered, and furiously blushing, Elise let out a soft laugh of disbelief. "I- well, thank you, but-"

"I mean, I am a very proud bisexual," the girl continued easily, a hand on her chest. "But I'm not trying to come onto you, or anything. I'm into blondes, you know? I just like to tell people the truth. Your friend, here-" she pointed to Calum. "-he's pretty too,"

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