Chapter 2- Epithet Business

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Okay, ilysm (no romo) for reading my stupid story, now continue! <3

Cadi darted down the sidewalk to make it to Sylvie's house. He lived a few houses down, but they didn't see each other much because of Ian. Cadi arrived at Sylvie's house, and just to see him on the front porch with a few sheep running in circles around him. He was playing with their fluffy fur, and looked up to see Cadi grinning at him.

"Hey there! My stuff is still inside, and you can come in if you want!" He pushed his glasses up on his nose, and opened the door for Cadi to go inside. "My room is to the right, just put your bag down wherever you want." He pushed the sheep to go inside, and then shut the front door behind him.

Sylvie sighed heavily, and his shoulders sagged low for a second. Then he shook himself and yelled, "Mom! I have a friend over! We'll be in my room!"

Cadi was leaning on a bookshelf in Sylvie's room, scrolling through her phone, yet again. Sylvie came inside his room and snatched her phone from her.

"Hey!" She reached to grab it back, but he put it in one of his coat pockets. "What was that for?" She crossed her arms. Sylvie sat in a chair, and signaled for her to sit in the chair next to him.

"You want help with your Epithet, right? Well, we're going to focus on that, not our phones." He pulled out a clipboard with paper on it. Cadi sat down reluctantly and looked at Sylvie intently. He looked up from his clipboard and she looked away immediately. "I know you were staring at me, I could see your eyes move. Anyways, can you please tell me, what are your greatest fears?"

Cadi was confused, but answered his question, "Needles and being alone. I have trypanophobia and monophobia." He scratched some things down on his board before stopping and tapping his pen on his cheek.

"What're some things that put you in a sense of danger, or some things that make you sad?" Sylvie continued to tap his pen on his cheek as he waited for a response from Cadi.

"Well, Ian obviously puts me in a sense of danger and he makes me sad. My sister makes me sad. When I see Ian's friends hurt you, I feel scared and sad. Fire and smoke put me in a sense of danger. I'm a wuss, so a lot of things make me scared." Cadi rubbed her arm a bit before smiling at Sylvie.

"Why when they hurt me? That has nothing to do with the Epithet, I'm just curious, I didn't think many people cared about me from that friend group." He sat his clipboard down on the desk, then looked at Cadi. He examined her face as she responded.

"First, they aren't my friends, they're stupid, idiotic bullies! Second, you're a cool dude, and you deserve to be cared about. Third, it's more I'm scared that Ian has the power to make people do that." She looked insulted, but she was obviously being protective of something that she didn't want to say. Sylvie grabbed his clipboard and stood up.

"Come on, I'll get your stuff. We should go wait for the bus." He slung the backpacks over his shoulders before walking out of his room, and Cadi followed him. Sylvie turned away from the door, and went into his kitchen, and a slim woman came over to the two of them. She was about Sylvie's height, a bit taller by about 3 inches.

"Is this your girlfriend, Sylvie? She's very pretty." The woman looked Cadi over thoroughly, and Cadi's face turned tomato-red.

Sylvie's expression showed he was very annoyed by the question. "She's not my girlfriend, she's a client." His cheeks reddened, and he grabbed a cookie from a bowl on the counter and handed it to Cadi.

"Hi Mrs. Ashling, my name's Cadi." Cadi smiled politely at Sylvie's mom, and she smiled back.

"Please sweetie, call me Ryenne! What a shame Sylvie can't get a catch like you!" Ryenne chuckled. Sylvie was storming out of the kitchen, and Cadi trotted behind him. "Goodbye, Ryenne!" Cadi waved back to the woman.

Sylvie opened the door for Cadi as they went out onto the porch. Cadi was no doubt red in the face and still had the cookie in her hands. Sylvie set the bags down and sat down in one of the chairs on the porch. Cadi sat next to him.

"Sorry about my mom. She's waiting for me to get a girlfriend so she can embarrass the crap out of me at family gatherings. I don't know why she thinks we'd be a good couple." Sylvie was clicking the bottom of the pen angrily.

"Well, she doesn't know that. You should tell her about it." Cadi was eating the cookie, which had little chocolate chips in it, that were now slightly melted.

"Psh, and risk him finding out and killing me? No thank you." Sylvie rolled his eyes.

"If he did, I'd report him to the principal and break up with him." She was basically shoving the cookie down her throat. (CADI NO (ó﹏ò。) NO SWEETIE) Sylvie turned his head and looked visibly confused.

Despite how serious Cadi just was, after Cadi was successfully able to finish the cookie, the two of them laughed. "That was so stupid of me!" Cadi laughed. "Do you wanna ask any more questions for my Epithet?"

"Sure." Sylvie waited a second before continuing, "Do you have any PTSD or illnesses?"

"I guess it could be PTSD, but my sister left my family out of nowhere and it kind of made me afraid to let people go. Illnesses, the only ones I'm aware of are my stupid insomnia, anxiety, and I used to have depression, but I guess that kind of was eliminated." She was kind of confused, "Why are you asking this stuff?"

"It helps me figure out your fears and some of your flaws." Sylvie was taking notes on his clipboard, and Cadi could see he'd almost used 3 sheets of paper.

Cadi paused for a moment, confused. Why would Sylvie need to know her fears and flaws? Those have nothing to do with Epithets, and it seemed as though they weren't getting any closer to finding her epithet. Cadi had a flurry of questions that she wanted to ask, but held them all back, except for one.

"What if I really don't have an Epithet, and I'm just wasting your time?" Cadi felt her voice breaking. Sylvester looked up from taking his notes and shoved his clipboard inside of his bag.

"We won't know until we try, will we?" He hoisted his backpack over his shoulder, then slid Cadi's bag to her. Cadi took a breath, then shakily pushed herself out of the chair and got her bag.

"Let's head to the bus stop, we don't wanna be late." Sylvie was stepping off of the front porch.

"Yeah, of course." Cadi and Sylvie raced each other down to the stop.


(1226 words of this monstrosity)

Quest for Lona (EE SYLVIE X MY OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang