Chapter 1- Graveyard

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15-year-old Cadi Tsuvi (or Katydid) sat on her bed scrolling through her phone. The time was around 11:40, but Cadi couldn't sleep. She never could. She estimated tonight she'd be up until 4:25. She flopped down on her bed, throwing her phone onto the nightstand. She just wanted one peaceful day. No overwhelming orders, no screaming, no Ian, no bullying.

Ian was her. . . boyfriend. He wasn't much of that though. He'd abuse her, and openly cheat on her with other girls. Cadi wanted to leave Ian, but didn't dare tell him. She knew he'd threaten to kill himself, or her. He mostly just wanted her for sexual teasing (which Cadi hated) and using her as a punching bag (Cadi hated that, too). Another thing she hated about Ian was him bullying others and making her watch it all.

Specifically one kid, Sylvester Ashling. Sylvester was an easy target for it, and Cadi felt bad about it. Sylvester wasn't bad-looking or anything, the exact opposite to her. He was stunning. The kid was brilliant and handsome, just a bit too arrogant to notice Cadi as a friend.

Cadi snapped out of her daydreaming and picked up a small paper off of her nightstand, with a label on it that said "Mommy Katydid Lonny" It was a picture with 3 detailed people.

A tall, pale-skinned girl with short, graying hair. Mom, Lucy Tsuvi. A detail that stood out was her 

The next girl was the shortest and had elbow-length red hair and caramel skin. Cadi Tsuvi.

The last girl was just shorter than Mom and had her hair on the top of her head in a big bun. Her skin was white, and the girl had glasses and pink hair. Lona Tsuvi.

Lona. Lona. Lona. She's gone. Cadi put the paper back where it was and wiped her eyes, but tears started streaming down her cheeks like tiny rivers. Cadi reached for her phone and texted someone. Sylvester. Of course. He'd know all about Insomnia. Bubbles appeared as he texted back.

"It's late. What do you need?"

Cadi hiccuped and wiped her eyes again before replying. "Do you know anything that helps with Insomnia? Or just sobbing uncontrollably?" 5 minutes passed. 5 minutes to 25, 25 minutes to an hour.

"Yea, just blink fast for as long as you can then stop and stay still. For the crying, sorry, maybe just get a hug or something? I wish I could get rid of it entirely, but I can't." Finally, he texted back and Cadi felt a weight lifted.

"Thanks, I'll try. Goodnight Sylvester, see you tomorrow." She felt better. A ton better.

"Caty? I have a question? Do you know why Ian doesn't bully me himself and why he makes you guys do it? And also, call me Sylvie if you want."

"Cadi* and I'm not sure. I'm betting he's too weak to fight you himself! He is just a Mundie after all, and you're not! I don't even wanna bully you. I want to leave him, but he'll threaten me." Cadi promised.

"Okay, Cadi. Wait, aren't you a Mundie yourself?" Sylvie questioned.

"No, I do have an epithet, but I never use it, and I don't know how to," Cadi confessed.

"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow. Maybe I'll help you figure it out this weekend." Sylvie finished the conversation.

~~She falls asleep thanks to Sylvie's advice~~

A hazy fog cut through Cadi's vision like a knife. She was standing in a large soil plantation with gray objects poking out of the land. She walked down one of the rows of gray, and soon realized the gray objects were gravestones. She continued walking, not knowing where she was headed. Eventually, she stopped at the largest gravestones in the graveyard. There were 4. She decided to read all of them, out of curiosity.

"Cadi Ventige Tsuvi" She read, "She left us after committing suicide." Cadi shook. She'd never do that!

"Lucy Lundi Tsuvi" Cadi read the second gravestone, "Overly stressed after her daughter's horrifying death." Mom! Why are these here?

"Lona Sanders Tsuvi" Cadi read her sister's name in fear of what was next, "Hit by a train while chasing a criminal over tracks. She served us well in the armed forces." Armed forces? Is Lona a cop?

Cadi thought her dad's grave awaited next, but whatever horrors she was imagining, it would be much, much worse.

"Sylvester Ashling. Died trying to stand up to his bullies." Cadi wanted to drop to her knees, but she couldn't. Then she noticed the tiny writing at the bottom of Sylvie's grave. It read, "You're a fool to love me Cadi, you'll be hurting the both of us now."

Her eyes flew open.

It was dawn, time to get ready for school. Cadi was shaken up by her nightmare, and quickly got dressed in a sweater and starry-sweatpants, threw on some shoes, and rushed down the stairs to see her mom. Lucy was making something that smelled kind of sweet in a pan. Cadi's pet, Plush was bouncing around by the stove

"Mom! I had a bad dream! It had to do with Me, You, Sylvester, and Lona-" Cadi started. Lucy whipped around and squeezed Cadi's hands tight.

"That woman does not deserve to be called anything, you hear? She's a scoundrel, and you don't need her in your dreams. Now, what happened?" Lucy was still squeezing Cadi's hands when she was finished talking. 

"There was a graveyard, and there were 4 big graves, mine, yours, Lona's, and Sylvester's. There was how we died on each of them, I committed suicide, you were overly stressed, Lona chased a criminal over train tracks, and Sylvester was bullied to death. On the bottom of Sylvester's grave though, there was an extra bit to me. I'm scared." Cadi pried her mother's hands off of her and sat down at the kitchen table. Plush waddled over to Cadi, her pillow-like fur felt great on the bottom of Cadi's hand.

"It was just a bad dream, Katydid, it'll be okay. Did you stay up last night?" Lucy asked her daughter sweetly. Cadi nodded, and Lucy sighed. "We need to see a doctor about that." Cadi sat up instantly, hating the thought of doctors sticking needles in her and taking her blood.

"No, we don't! Sylvester helped me. I texted him kinda late, and he responded instantly saying that I should just blink a lot to make my eyes tired. It worked, too!" Cadi poured a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table to eat. Plush jumped up to the table and sniffed the bowl, before rearing back and falling into a sit. Cadi pat her on the head and flicked a piece of cereal at her.

"Well, good!" Lucy grabbed a spoon from a drawer and handed it to Cadi while grinning happily. Cadi took the spoon and hastily devoured the rest of her bowl. She slung her backpack onto one arm, then raced upstairs to grab her phone and portable charger.

"Bye, Mom, I'm going to the bus stop! I love you! Tell Dad I said I love him!" Cadi waved goodbye to her mom as she sped out the door, obviously, she wasn't going to the bus stop, she was going to Sylvie's house. Lucy nodded in reply as Cadi shut the door behind her.

"Good morning Sylvie. Can I come to your place?" She texted him.

"Hey there. Sure, not a problem with me." He replied.

"Leaving now, see you in 5?" She texted back.

"Okay," Sylvie responded.

"Where ever you are Lona, you've caused me a lot of pain, and I don't think you know it. I miss you, and one day, I'll find you, no matter how much I hate you for ruining my life." Cadi sighed out loud.


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