Hand in mine

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(Rhydian's pov)

I run through the woods back towards the hospital. I knew I had to make it up to Maddy, I just didn't know how. I did know that if I walked in there with a bunch of flowers she would rip my head of most likely. Maddy wasn't that type of girl. She didn't like girly stuff or to much romance. She was just her own person.

I think that's why I loved her so much. She didn't listen to what others thought about her. Maddy lived by her own rules and morals. She had here own mind and lived life how she wanted. Maddy was special, unique. That's why I love her.

My mind whizzes think about what to say to her. I could hear the faut sound of an ambulane as I neared the hospital. Fumes filled my nose as I grew closer.

I reach the zebra croseing when I smell a fimilar scent. As I push open the doors I see Maddy.

"Maddy? What...why...Let's get you back." I whisper in her ear as she leans aganst me.

Slowly we walk up the squeky corridoors of hospital. I look down at Maddy. Her head was on my chest, her hand in mine. I knew I belonged with her and I was going to have to tell her the truth.

As we reached Maddys bed I let go of her hand to help her in. As she did she stoped and pulled my ear to her mouth "I'm sorry, Rhydian."

"It's okay." My voice sounded soft and gental. "I just want you to know this; when I'm around you I feep loved. But I love you for so many reasons. My main one is you live by your own rules and morals. You are strong and amazing. If you weren't in my live I don't know where I'd be. I love you Maddy and I can understand if you want me to leave." I look down at the floor as I wait for her reply.

"I never want you to leave Rhydian." She starts staring at me, " I was wrong. Shouting at you. And I was hurt. I still am. It's gunna take time to get over but we will toghter." She smiles at me.

It was a weak smile, but it was still a smile. I stayed by her side. Her hand in mine as she fell asleep.

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