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I yell. 'Dinners ready!' I come out, putting the 2 pizzas down. 'So! Meat lovers and pineapple.' Bev gags. 'Ew! Pineapple.' Eddie shakes his head grabbing a slice. 'No! It's so good!' I nod. 'Yeah I hated it then Eddie made some and I was like...dam.' Beverly rolls her eyes. 'You're so in love with Eddie he could spit in your mouth and you'd be like 'yum give me more".' I wink at him. 'Spit in my mouth daddy.' 

He chokes on his slice as I sit down followed by Eddie just standing there. 'There's no room for me.' Mike shrugs. 'You can sit on my lap if you want?' I shake my head quickly. 'Noooo, Mike had a hard day! How about you just sit next to me?' He shrugs trying to move in but can't without me falling off, I roll my eyes. 'Dude just sit on my lap.' He shakes his head. 'Dude, that'd be gay.' I punch his thigh. 'Edward. I've seen your dick.' 

Bev chokes. 'Wait really?' I nod. 'He was sleeping over one-night last year and he didn't tell me he was changing after going to the toilet.-' 'Ok fine! I'll sit on your lap asshole.' I smile winking at him as Bill asks. 'A-are you g-g-gay?' I groan. 'Listen! I'm not gay...I'm what you would call...bisexual?' Stan chokes. 'Wait, so are you two dating?' I shake my head quickly. 'No!' Bev laughs. 'I bet you wish.' I tap Eddie's shoulder. 'Dude, I gotta uh...piss.'  He stands up as I quickly go inside the van, I turn the light off and just...lay down. Why can't he just like me back? 

He's so cute...god I'd be the luckiest guy alive if he even held my hand. 'Hey Rich, you alright?' I look over to see Eddie sitting next to me. 'Yeah, I'm fine Eds.' He shakes his head moving closer. 'Richard. You've seen my dick. Be honest with me.' I laugh a little bit moving my hand closer to him. 'I don't know, I just feel as if the guy I want to date will never feel the same way.'

Eddie asks. 'Who even is the guy?' I stumble. 'I...I can't tell you.' He sighs. 'Think I won't keep it to myself? Is that why you told Bev and not me?' I shake my head quickly touching my pinky with his. 'No...I'm afraid you'll judge me.' He looks down at our hands quickly getting the message. 'Rich...you know I care about you.' I sigh. 'Oh god, I knew it.' He rolls his eyes smiling a little. 'I didn't think you would've felt the same way.'

I say confused. 'Huh? Wait so you like me?' He nods. 'Uh...can I lay with you?' I nod quickly. 'Please do.' He smiles looking at me. 'So...you like me? And I like you?' I nod. 'Yeah...so...' I moved closer grabbing his face. 'Can I.-' 'Richie are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, can I come in.-' Eddie groans. 'Bev! He's fine! We'll be out in a couple of minutes!' I laugh a little. 'Eds, uh...can I.-' He cuts me off by his soft lips on me, I lean in a lot closer travelling my hands down to his waist pulling him closer.

I pull back to look him in the eyes, I quickly rub my lips against his neck as he grips at my hair. 'Rich...use those lips for a good use for once.' I nod quickly as he sits up taking his shirt off, I kiss down his neck slowly as he hums along to each kiss going down, I whisper passing his collar bone. 'Do you like that?' He nods quickly pulling on my hair. 'Yes!' I smile into his bare skin going down until I reach his V-line which was soon followed by his pants, I sit up. 'So...do you want me to continue?' He shakes his head. 'No...sadly they'd get noisy if we stayed too long.' I nod standing up. 'I guess...' He laughs looking down. 'Nice boner Rich.' I mumble. 'Sonia's pube lice. Sonia's pube lice.' He slaps my arm laughing. 'Shut up! She's my mum.' I nod. 'And that's how I know she has lice in her pubes.'

I open the fridge grabbing out a can of coke. 'You should get dressed, don't want them knowing I made your pussy.-' He chucks a pillow at me. 'I don't have a pussy!' I laugh walking out of the van closing the door. 'Eddies on his period.' Bev asks. 'What happened?' I hum. 'So! Marshmallows?' Stan asks. 'What happened?' I groan. 'Nothing happened! I got upset, Eddie came to comfort me and that is all.' 

Bev nods. 'Comfort you...Right.' I groan. 'Ok, why do you need condoms, Beverly?' Bev laughs. 'Why do you need condoms, Richie? Or should I say...Eddie! What's Richards full name?' Eddie hum exiting the van. 'Richard Wentworth Fern Tozier.' I answer. 'Because! Eddies doesn't want any siblings and his mum has pube lice.-' He slaps the back of my head. 'She doesn't' have pube lice.' 

I smile. 'Sure.' He rolls his eyes sitting back down on my lap, Stan fake coughs. 'Gay.' I roll my eyes. 'Seriously, it's not gay! There's just nowhere to sit!- Seriously stop riggling! You're going to break my dick!' Eddie laughs. 'There's nothing there to break.-' Stan chokes. 'You're such a terrible influence on him!' I laugh grabbing Eddies hip trying to hold him still. 'I swear to god I will kick you off my lap.' Bill hums. 'It's g-getting late, I-I think I'm g-going to head to bed.' 

Ben nods. 'Same.' Eddie yawns. 'It's been a long day.' I scoff. 'Of you guys napping while I drive?' Eddie rolls his eyes. 'Shut up.' He gets up. 'Night.' I wave at him. 'Bye kitty.' He gags. 'Ew.' Mike groans. 'Night guys.' The sleepy pants go to bed as Bev asks. 'Ok so seriously, what happened?' Stan groans. 'I'm going to bed, I don't want to hear this.' I put my hands up. 'Nothing Bev, I promise.' I feel hands on my shoulder as someone whispers in my ear. 'When I meant "it's been a long day" I mean to continue.' I shot my head back. 'Really?' He nods. 'Yeah...don't want to anymore though.' I groan. 'Beverly! How could you!' 

Eddie rolls his eyes. 'Just because you don't understand those type of cues.-' Beverly snaps. 'Ok seriously! Are you two dating or not?' I look at Eddie as he just shrugs. 'I mean...' I nod. 'Yeah...' She asks. 'How long?' I answer. 'You know a couple of minutes ago when I got upset?' Beverly starts laughing. 'Oh my god...' I nod looking off. 'So! Bedtime! Night!' I grab Eddie's hand as he just waves at Beverly.

I quickly get in pulling my pants off. 'Wow, wow, wow, moving a little fast?' I roll my eyes. 'Eddie. I only move fast with your.-' He cuts me off with those BEAUTIFUL lips, I grab his hips pushing him onto the bed, he laughs pulling back. 'So, what were you.-' I cut him off. 'Less vocal with the mouth more oral kissing with the mouth.' He laughs pulling his shirt off. 'Rich, maybe we should just get some rest.' I groan. 'Eddie, Eds, Edwardo. I just got this super cute boyfriend, let me spend time with you.' He rolls his eyes as I turn on a movie, I stretch out poking his back. 'Eds, we should...cuddle...right now.'

He leans back laying his head on my lap, I laugh. 'Bad placement for a guy who was just kissing me.' He slaps my stomach looking at the TV, he grabs the remote off me looking through. 'You got Netflix?' I nod. 'Duh.' He switches to it. 'Nice "queer-eye for the straight guy", Oh! Rupal drag race...nice.' I laugh playing with his hair. 'Shut up.' He finds some shoe...don't care. I groan. 'Seriously, move up here.' He sighs laying next to me. 'Fine, fine.' I quickly cling onto him resting my head on his chest and my arms around his hips. 'Night Eds.' He whispers grabbing my glasses. 'Night Richie.' 

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