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Beverly smiles sharing a cigarette with Richie as I hum. 'Are we going?' Stan nods with his bag. 'Yeah! Hurry up!' I jump up slapping his arms. 'Come on you asses! Stop getting lung cancer and get in the car!' Richie winks. 'I came on your mum's ass.' I slapped his arm grabbing it off him. 'Let's go.' He nods quickly. 'Alright boss.' Bev rolls her eyes going to grab it off me. 'Eddie, it's going to be 5 minutes.' Bill rocks up. 'Why are you guys not packing?' Richie nods quickly grabbing it off me. 'Go pack your stuff in and then we'll stop.' I roll my eyes as he pats the top of my head, luckily Richie got a van when he got a licence and his mum got pregnant...with twins.

Richie hums grabbing my arm as the others walk off. 'Are you sitting in the front or the back? Cause I'm the first driver so.' I answer. 'I can sit in the front with you if you want.' He nods looking off. 'Your lucky that you're too young to drive.' I laugh hitting his arm. 'Shut up I'm like a couple of months younger than you!' I yell to the rest of them. 'Shotgun!' Stan smirks smugly. 'Eddie, not one wants to sit with your boyfriend.' I say quickly. 'No! He's not my boyfriend!' 

Bev takes the cigarette taking a puff then stomping it out. 'Sure, let's go with that.' Richie laughs. 'Aw Eds, come give your sexy boyfriend a kiss.' I shake my head quickly running to the other side getting in the minivan.

Everyone gets in as Richie jumps in. 'See! I did it up good!' I ask spinning in my chair. 'Why would you spend more money to get a bigger van?' Richie answers. 'So I can have a bed, seats, dining area, toilet andddd a table, ok Edwardo?' I nod as he asks. 'Who's sleeping in here with me?' Beverly quickly yells. 'Shot not!' Ben quickly yelled along with Bill, and Stan. 'Shot not!' I say quickly. 'Wait so I have to?' Richie rolls his eyes. 'Dude we've shared a bed before.' I cross my arms turning my seat around. 'Beverly swap with me.' She shakes her head. 'You got yourself into this.'

I sigh turning back around, an hour passes of my playing on my phone, streaming music something...interesting happens. Deepthroat by cupcake comes on, I start laughing. 'Hump me! Fuck me! Daddy better make me choke! You better!' Richie shifts around in his seat as Beverly laughs. 'Eddie you better stop, you might overexcite Richie.' I laugh ignoring her, by hour 3 I'm starving and tired, didn't have breakfast as we left at 6 am, I groan. 'I'm so hungry!'

Stan sighs. 'Same!' Richie said turning his indicator on. 'Lucky for you guys, my tanks running out, I need to fill up a couple of jerry cans and the tank, so just grab some food and then I'll fill up the fridge.' I nod quickly as he parks the van, I get up running inside, I grab a meat pie and coke smiling, after a bit everyone else gets there stuff and Richie comes in. 'Why haven't you paid?' I answer. 'I accidentally left my wallet in the van, can you just hold my stuff please?' He nods as I walk out.

{A/N: Now we're going to do Richies POV cause likeee}

I hum looking around for food and drinks only to get a message

Richie, I promise I'll pay you back BUT can you please just pick up a condom for me.

Why a condom?


What size?

Medium(: thank u.

I roll my eyes walking to the like little pharmacy bit thing and look along. 'Medium...medium...medium!' 'What's medium?' I turn around to see Eddie behind me. 'Uh! Beverly messaged me to get her some condoms!' He nods laughing. 'You'd be like an extra small.' I shake my head. 'Nope! I'm large.' He rolls his eyes. 'How big is it then?' I answer. '69 inches.' He rolls his eyes walking off...I'll just...grab a box for myself! Incase for when I get back, yep.

Rats. //Richie X Eddie oneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt