Absolutely Mad

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Song: Black Sheep by Metric

May 4

"Are you sure you're okay to do this on your own? When is the last time you saw them?" Stanley whispers. The two are just outside of a run down home.

Bill takes a deep breath. He doesn't move, it's as if he's in shock. Unable to move forward. Fortunately he has Stan by his side, who rests a hand on his back. Bill shudders and takes another step forward. His right hand holds a gun, and his other holds a hand.

His hand lets go of Stanley's and tries for the door, but it doesn't budge. He tries again, and the same results. Eventually Bill grows irritated and begins pushing himself against the door. He rams himself into it over and over again, but still nothing.

"May I?" Stanley steps ahead of him and smiles.

Bill takes a couple of steps back. He doesn't want to be a distraction and get in the way. He also doesn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

Stanley steps up and takes position. He's not quite sure how this power works. It only seems to happen in aggressive or life threatening situations. The boy doesn't even know if he's able to control it. But he has to try. He'll try anything for Bill.

His eyes squeeze shut as he tries to channel the power. He's completely focused, but the power only comes out in a slight hum. It's barely anything now, when just days prior he flipped several vehicles and caused major damage. Had his powers gone away? Is he drained?

Stanley grunts, but keeps it going. Now he holds his hands out. He thinks it might help push whatever force is buried within him out. Eventually the man grows frustrated. He sighs and kicks the ground, which surprises Bill. Then he turns away from the door. Their eyes meet. Bill sees how aggravated he is.

"I can't! It's like I can feel it inside of me, but it's barely there. It vibrates and hums, but it stays put. I can't do it! Why can't I do it? Days ago I could! Why not now? Why can't I control it?" He grows more and more angry.

Bill watches in terror. The boy's eyes turn that same all white. No pupil or iris to be seen. Finally Stanley turns around again. He balls his fists so tight that they turn white.

"Why!" Stanley screams, creating a wave of force to roll off of him and into the door. It cracks and breaks, creating a perfect path in.

Stanley leans over to catch his breath. Bill takes cautious steps towards him to offer his help, but before he makes it there the boy is up again. He looks on with wide eyes and an enthusiastic smile. Then he turns around and his smile grows even bigger at Bill. "Look, I did it."

"Y-yeah." Bill chuckles. "You did."

Stanley looks to him with a proud smile before turning and making his way in. Then he notices the mess. Dust and rot litter the place. It doesn't look like anyone's been living here in years. "You're sure this is it?" Stanley hopes that's not the case.

"Yeah this is it." Bill puts the gun away.

"Maybe they just went out." He tries to stay hopeful.

"Either they're already d-dead or they left a long t-time ago." Bill travels down a hall. Finally he comes to a stop right outside a door.

"It's weird being b-back here." Bill opens the door and takes a step inside. Stanley follows in after.

The room has an eerie sense to it. Vacant and dark. A few kids toys litter the dusty carpet. The bed is made, but it looks far too stiff. Stan knows who's room this is, but he doesn't want to say anything and interrupt the peace.

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