Chapter One | Backstory

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Zak = Skeppy
Darryl = Bbh
Vincent = A6d
Clay = Dream

"Buddy joined your channel." The robotic voice said.

"Oh, hey Dream!" Darryl welcomed him. Vincent stayed silent, not knowing who this 'dream' was. "Sup, Bad. I saw you're live, watcha doing?" He asked.

Is he a threat to the Skephalo ship? Vincent asked himself. "Bothering A6d. I don't believe you two have met?" Darryl replied.

"I've heard of him, french guy, right? I'm Clay, but the internet knows me as Dream." Clay introduced himself.

"Uh, Vincent. But I guess I'm known as A6d." Vincent mumbled.

"Buddy joined your channel." The robotic voice said once again. "Hi!" Darryl welcomed Zak into the call.

"Hey Dream, A6d, Bad." Zak waved, then realizing they couldn't see him. "You might wanna check your server, by the way." He chuckled.

"Oh my goodness, Skeppy!" Darryl yelled, the two leaving the call.

"Buddy left your channel, buddy left your channel." The voice said again. "We should go onto the server, check out what Skep did." Clay laughed.

Eventually Vincent asked for Clay's twitter account, and chatted on there a lot, which turned into flirting, which turned into fanart, which turned into a fanfiction. They somehow found a way to ignore it though.

Short but I'm working on the next part of 'Faded Smile'

Word count: 217

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