39. Live with me

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September 1st........

"Jin hyung......Hobi......I want Hobi......" Jungkook started crying in the middle of the night when he jolted awake. 

Seokjin had slept with Jungkook that night as he wanted the younger to rest properly before the funeral. 

"Shhhh, Kookie. He will be back.....now don't cry......go back to sleep...." he whispered. He felt awful for taking advantage of Jungkook's state and lying to him. 

The morning came sooner than they could wish for and Jungkook wasn't ready for it. Hell, he wasn't even ready to get out of his bed. 

He woke up and sat on his bed, cross-legged and dazed. They could see the exact second something broke inside him. He started bawling his eyes out the second he remembered that all three of them were dead. 

"Kookie, your inhaler! Why the hell is it in the laundry?" Seokjin asked, walking to his drawer to look for the spare inhaler. He felt relieved, knowing the other one was there. 

"Jungkookie, we will deal with this later. For now, you gotta get ready.......for the f-funeral.......get up now" he said, lightly pulling him out of the bed. 

"Yeah, come on, Jungkook. Get ready" Jimin said. Jungkook got up and went into the washroom while Seokjin, Jimin and Yoongi waited for him in his bedroom. 

"Hyung, when he sees the three coffins.......I am scared of how he's gonna react again........he obviously isn't in a steady state right now........" Jimin said. "We'll be there for him. That's all we can do for now" Yoongi said. 

Jungkook came out after sometime and simply stared at Seokjin. "Let's go" Seokjin said, putting his arm into the other's arm and taking him out. 

Jungkook was crying as he walked out of his house, to the church that was right behind their lane. They had decided to hold Jungkook's mother's funeral in the open. Now they had two more bodies along with it.

Jungkook was still sobbing as they turned the corner. The moment he saw the church, he started squirming in Seokjin's hold. 

"It's okay, it's okay, shh, we have to go" Seokjin said, tightening his hold on him. 

Seokjin's father spoke at the funeral as he knew Jungkook was not capable of doing it. That left Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin to take care of the younger. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, I won't go, I won't go, I won't go, LEAVE ME, I WON'T GOOO, LET ME GO HOME!! I don't want to be here!! Please, hyung!! Let me go home.....I-I want Hobi....I want to go home" he started yelling and crying like a kid would, looking at Seokjin with huge, doe eyes that were overflowing with ugly, fat tears. 

Seokjin's heart broke as he looked at his cousin. "No, Kookie, you have to be there. They will feel bad otherwise. You have to stay here, Kookie" he said and dragged him into the church. 

Jungkook kept yelling the whole way, earning pitiful glances from all the people who had come for the funeral. Some even started crying, looking at Jungkook's pain. 

"Hyungiiieeee....please......noooooo" Jungkook tried resisting the pull and soon, his knees gave out. 

Jimin held his other side and dragged him to his seat. Seokjin immediately sat on the other side of him and put an arm around him. Jungkook buried his head into Seokjin's shoulder, muffling his cries. 

The talk was finally done and the family members had to go out to the graveyard to bury the bodies. 

That was when Jungkook saw the three coffins. His eyes went wide and he started screaming. Jimin and Seokjin tightened their hold and continued taking him into the graveyard. 

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