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     The clouds began to cover Metropolis's sky, the rumbling sound of thunder coming from afar. Roy Hawkins, Steven Mandragora's right-hand man and the one runner of Mandragora's operations in this city, was standing in front of the glass wall, watching the sky with a drink in hand when he heard the door open. He didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Miss Jones, I'm happy to see that you're improving, it only took you about forty-five minutes to get here after receiving the message," Roy spoke.

Skylar bit her tongue to avoid talking back.

She was never one to hide her opinions but it was her mouth and stubbornness that led her there in the first place and she did not need more trouble. She rubbed the latest bruise on her arm as she tried to crack a smile.

"Of course Mr. Hawkins, I'm sorry it even took this long, I was in the other part of the city," she responded as politely as she could, despite the growing urge to swear at him.

Roy turned around. "Would you like a drink?" he asked, gesturing his glass.

Skylar shook her head. " No sir, thank you," she declined. After all, who knew what he'd put in there. Besides, she'd never accept anything from him.

He nodded. "Very well, now we can talk about why I asked you here in the first place," he said taking a seat and gesturing for her to do the same.

"As you guess, to avoid legal trouble Mr. Mandragora has some companies under his name. They're there to make sure his 'work' doesn't become suspicious. Do you know how this works Miss Jones?"

Skylar watched enough movies and TV shows to know what was up.

"I believe they are called shell companies?" she clarified.

Roy nodded. "Exactly, and to keep up the facade, we often make business deals with legit companies, where we don't really need to do work but invest in the other company a bit, keeping the public eye satisfied," he explained.

She frowned. Why was he telling her this?

"Now, the part where you come in. I'm sure you've heard of Wayne Enterprises, correct?"

Skylar furrowed her brows. " Of course I have."

"They're considering expanding their business to Metropolis for some unknown reason and are looking for partner companies for that. They're specifically interested in working with us and if we were to take the deal, our 'shell company' would be safe for at least the next five years, so it is imperial we get this deal, do you understand?"

Skylar nodded. "I understand the importance but what do I need to do?"

Roy laid back on his chair and a twisted smirk appeared on his lips. "You're aware that Bruce Wayne, the CEO of Wayne Enterprises' whole reputation is based on being a billionaire playboy, aren't you Miss Jones?"

She didn't speak, waiting for him to finish, hoping it wouldn't lead where she thought it was.

"You are a fine young lady, enough to charm Mr. Wayne for the night and make sure he chooses us for the deal," he finished, taking a sip from his drink and eyeing Skylar.

She was shocked—definitely uncomfortable, to say the least. The jobs she usually did for them were simple; be the scout and, if necessary, the distraction during their illegal operations.

But this—this was a whole other level.

"Are you aware of what you're asking of me?" she blurted out, her forced politeness jumping out the window. "You never mentioned I'd be doing something like this when you caught me, this is outrageous—!"

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