Chapter the Second: Slytherin

Start from the beginning

Ron grunted. "Sorry."

A voice sounded in the hall. Y/n turned to look at a woman adorned in emerald green robes. Her graying hair was pulled into a tight bun. "Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, students," she said. "I am Professor Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts." She continued to survey the quiet crowd. "The Sorting Ceremony will begin soon; I shall be back to bring you in."

With that, she left. Y/n noticed that Harry and Ron were talking. Harry looked a bit nervous as they wondered what tests they would go through to get sorted. 

Y/n rolled her eyes. She turned to Hermione. "Whatever you do, don't believe a word my brother says. It's all rubbish. His only source is Fred and George, and everyone knows that they're the biggest pranksters in Hogwarts." Hermione nodded in understanding. 

Professor McGonagall returned and ordered the students to form a line. Y/n and Hermione got into line together, Y/n in front and Hermione just behind her. Everyone else filed into line behind them. 

"Hey," said a new voice from behind her. Y/n turned to look at who it was. Instead of Hermione behind her, there was this platinum blond boy whose hair was slicked back. "I saw you talking to Potter. You know, you can choose much better friends than that."

That hurt a little. Who did this kid think he was? "Well we'll just see then. What house do you think you'll be in?"


"What's your name?"

"Draco Malfoy." She noted that. Yeah, of course he'd hate on Harry, cause he was hanging out with Ron. "Yours?"

"Y/n Weasley. I like your name," she added as an afterthought. "Latin for dragon, right?"

His mouth hung wide open as he nodded. "You're... you're one of them?! I thought all Weasleys had red hair and freckles!"

Y/n smiled. "Freckles, yeah, red hair, not so much. All the same, I am a Weasley." 

"Your brother laughed at my name!" 

"Well I can't stop him from being an idiot, now, can I?" The corner of Draco's mouth tugged up a bit, as though he was trying not to smile.

"Well," he said. "Maybe you're not so bad then. Maybe you'll be in Slytherin, too."

Y/n shrugged. "We'll see."

Once all of the first years had entered the Great Hall, the doors closed. Y/n could see Fred and George at the Gryffindor table, making all sorts of faces at her and then giving her a thumbs up. She grinned and looked for Percy. He smiled at her, too, when they made eye contact. She immediately felt more confident among the stares of the older students- though, to be fair, most of them looked like they just wanted this to be over with already so they could eat. Y/n didn't blame them; she was starving. She looked up at the ceiling, which looked as though it opened up to the sky. Millions upon millions of bright stars dotted the pitch-black sky. Hundreds of candles floated in the air above the tables. 

"It's bewitched to look like the sky outside," she heard Hermione say from behind Draco. "I read it in Hogwarts, a History." Y/n smiled. Hermione was going to be full of fun facts about Hogwarts. 

Everyone looked to the front of the room. Professor McGonagall was back with a stool and and old beaten hat. She set the hat on the stool, and everyone waited in silence. For what, Y/n wasn't quite sure. 

And then the hat began to sing! I'm sure you all know the song, though, so I will spare you the lyrics. 

Once it had finished, everyone in the Great Hall burst into applause. Y/n stared at the hat in awe. "That... was probably the weirdest thing I've seen in a while," she whispered to herself. 

Professor McGonagall stepped up next to the stool and began to read names off of an extremely long piece of parchment. "Abbott, Hannah."

A girl left the line of first year students and walked up to the stool She sat down and put on the Hat.  

"HUFFLEPUFF!" the Hat shouted after a minute. The Hufflepuff table cheered. 

"Boot, Terry!"

"RAVENCLAW!" Cheers from the Ravenclaws.

This went on for a while. Soon, each of the Houses had gained a student. 

"Granger, Hermione!"

Hermione walked steadily up to the Sorting Hat and placed it on her head. She looked excited. 

"GRYFFINDOR!" The Hat shouted. Hermione's face broke into a huge grin and she hopped off of the stool and made her way to the Gryffindor table. 

"Johnson, Daniel!"

He walked up to the Hat. He looked a bit scared as he placed it on his head. 

It took a long time for the Hat to decide. Every second that passed, Y/n's heart beat faster and faster. Which house would he be in?

"SLYTHERIN!" The Hat declared after what seemed like five minutes. The Slytherin table cheered, but the Gryffindors looked a little shaken. Daniel's eyes widened, but he walked to the Slytherin table nonetheless. 

Not too long after, Draco was called. "Malfoy, Draco!"

He'd barely placed the Hat on his head when it shouted, "SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin table broke into loud applause and cheers. Smug, he made his way there. 

Many more names were read before Harry was reached. "Potter, Harry!"

The Great Hall went completely silent. Harry looked a little scared as he walked up to the Sorting Hat. Slowly, he sat down and placed the Hat on his head. 

After a minute of tense silence, the Hat shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!" 

The Hall exploded. Everyone at the Gryffindor table cheered with deafening voices, and there was plenty of foot-stomping and table-banging as Harry made his way towards them with a huge grin plastered on his face. Y/n was grinning, too. 

Soon it was her turn. "Weasley, Y/n!"

She trembled as she walked up. She hadn't realized how nervous she was until that moment. She felt the stares of the other students on her back. She sat down on the stool and put on the Hat.  She closed her eyes as the Hat spoke in her head. 

"Another Weasley?" The Sorting Hat said. "Well, guess there's no better house for one of you than GRYFFINDOR!"

There was more applause from the Gryffindor table. Her heart soared as she saw the twins stomping and shouting and pounding the table with their fists. Percy grinned up at her, too. She went to sit down by Hermione. Ron was also sorted into Gryffindor. 

After the last student had been sorted, Professor McGonagall rolled up the long piece of parchment and took away the Hat and stool. After Dumbledore had given the opening words, they all dug into the rich meal sitting in front of them. 

A/N WOOO, ADRENALINE RUSH. Who else was nervous? I know I was. What's your Hogwarts House? Comment your answer, and don't forget to vote on this chapter! I'm Hufflepuff. 

People who read my profile bio: No you're not, you're a Gryffindor.


ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry if you came here expecting much more Draco x Reader in this, I promise I'll get to it.


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