Part 3 - Parallels and Potions ★

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The poor sleep had drained you. Sipping on your second cup of tea, you slouched in the great hall during breakfast, when headmaster Dippet placed himself in front of the teacher's table.

"Good morning students," the Professor spoke. "Just a brief announcement for your information. I'm aware some of you have already eagerly waited for the reveal of this year's head girl and boy. Well, it's my pleasure to tell you now."

People had stopped talking and the great hall turned quiet. Dippet looked through the rows of students with a big smile on his face. He was probably more excited than anyone else in the room. Head boy and girl. Wow. You hadn't even thought about that yet. Naturally, your mind had been somewhere entirely different.

It would be someone from your year, though. Those were the school rules. The headmaster chooses two students from year seven. And, although most students didn't care that much about the title, everyone knew that head girls and boys had an easier start into the world of employment after Hogwarts. It was a boost. An unspoken recommendation.

Dippet had always chosen students with top grades and little to no detention records. Mostly prefects, but not exclusively. For just a second you wondered if he had thought about you while making his decision. You had good grades. Nonsense, you had great grades. You never got in trouble, you were respectful, reliable, punctual and maybe a tiny bit full of yourself in just this moment.

What were you thinking? You didn't have the nerves or the time for being head girl. But it would feel so good to be valued this way.

Dippet cleared his throat and all eyes turned to him.

"This year's head boy, fellow witches and wizards, is," he announced blissfully. "Tom Riddle."

A murmur went round the hall when Tom arose from the table until Professor Slughorn, head of Slytherin, applauded for his student and the crowd joined in. Tom went up to the teacher's table, where Dippet congratulated him.

It was quite clear why Tom was granted this title. He was Dippet's showpiece. Always had been. Top of the class in most subjects, quiet yet observative, intelligent, the list went on.

"And now to our head girl," Dippet said.

No, this couldn't be. It would feel like some sort of mockery if he would say your name. First the engagement and now this? No, no. Or maybe? You would make a great head girl, now that you thought about it.

"This year's head girl is," Dippet went on.

Tom looked at you. Maybe he knew. Could it be?

"Freda Morris."

Oh. Your heart sank more than you liked to admit. Tom's gaze went right to Freda when the crowd applauded for her. She stood up from the Slytherin table and clumsily walked to the front as well. Freda... What a swot.

"Congratulations you two," Dippet said and shook both of their hands again. "I'm sure you'll make a great team."

Yes, great. Brilliant. Freda and Tom shook hands as well and the sweet aftertaste of breakfast tea turned sour on your tongue.

 Freda and Tom shook hands as well and the sweet aftertaste of breakfast tea turned sour on your tongue

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Promised - Tom Riddle x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora