Potato Pancakes

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Ludwig didn't understand Gilbert when he said that, but he was young, so it didn't phase him too much. He gave a curt nod, and then looked down at the red balloons.

The rest of the walk home was silent, and Gilbert clutched onto Ludwig's smaller hand, slightly glaring at the road in front of them. Ludwig wondered why his brother's 'panties were in a knot', as Gil always said while laughing when teasing their downstairs neighbor, Roderich. He seemed like a pretty stuck up kid, and never really got along with Gil before due to teasing and fighting. Ludwig remembered that Prussia always won the fights, and Roderich would end up crying to his mom, 'tattle-telling' as Gil called it.

As the two of the boys got home, Roderich was sitting on the porch steps, drawing in his little sketchbook, and at one glance of the two, the Austrian boy squeaked and stood up. Gil was in too much of a bad mood to really pick on the other boy today, which seemed to make the brown haired boy smile gently, grateful.

Gil dragged himself up the stairs, bringing Ludwig alongside him. With a simple, now well placed smile, Gilbert glanced to his younger brother.

"Come on bruder, let's make some pancakes." And with that, Ludwig smiled wide, nodding happily as he ran inside, pulling over a chair to the stove, climbing up it so he could watch his brother cook. Their father wasn't home much anymore. What with working in the army now, he only came home late at night and left early in the mornings, barely seeing his children.

"Hey Bruder...?" Ludwig spoke up, watching Gilbert start to make the batter for potato pancakes.

"Ja?" Gilbert asked, glancing over as he mixed up the ingredients in wooden bowl, then putting a pan on the stovetop.

"Can we share these with Roderich and his family..?" The blonde boy asked his albino sibling. Gil seemed to frown, knowing they were running a little low on food, but smiled and nodded.

"Ja, fine. We can share them~" Gil then flipped a few of the pancakes, placing them onto a plate, looking down at his skewed reflection in the pan's greased bottom. Gilbert didn't like the idea of sharing with that pansy, who was rich and had everything. Including a family. But he couldn't say no to his little brother, so once the pancakes were done, they brought the plate of them downstairs, and knocked on the door.

Roderich was hesiatant at eating the food at first, but soon was delighted to be having such a nice day so far. Unfortunetely, when a worm squirmed from in one of his pancakes, he let out a girly shriek.

Ludwig took note of how Gilbert was smirking.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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