15. The Fine Art of Pickpocket

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Unconcerned, the sadistic officer dragged the mistreated woman in the car, the other two officers were already seated. Something felt like... different - and by different, it wasn't only because of the presence of Lis seated next to her. The whole mood was not the same anymore. Certainly because the jealous girl wasn't annoyed anymore. However, even though the looks Alex peaked at his lover weren't filled with worry but with fondness, they were still way too frequent for her to feel safe in this car. Did they make up after the interrogation ? Oh ? Their lips were redder than before. They... made up, indeed. Well, no need to act as if she didn't know about them, then - neither to keep making her jealous. Too bad, it was fun.

"Alexander I know your girlfriend isn't pissed at you anymore and that you're so happy and so in love, but could you please look at the road sometimes ? I don't wanna die before getting rich, thanks."

Unsettled by Selwyn's comment, Alexander didn't slow down soon enough for the speed bump. Alexander who had almost banged his head on the car ceiling, winced at the thought of the damage this speed bump could have on his tires.

"Sorry about that." he mumbled.

They arrived at a red light of which he took advantage to steal yet another glance at Asterin. She was reading through the file on the homeless woman behind them. Her white hair feel over her eyes and Alexander felt the urge to smoothen them or tuck a loose strand just behind her ear. He had often wondered if they were as soft as they looked. But then the light turned green and he had to focus on the road again.

Alexander sighed. The word Selwyn had used did disturb him. Girlfriend. Is that what they were ? They hadn't talked about it and Alexander had learned to never get his hopes to high up when it came to Asterin. Although she seemed happy about the way things had turned out, he wasn't entirely sure of what she wanted. He didn't even know if she knew what she wanted. Girlfriend was a word that sounded strange next to her name.

A chuckle escaped from Asterin. "I have to admit you are pretty impressive Selwyn. Thirty-two thefts in the last six weeks and you spent no more than three nights in jail ? You could use those skill to get far more money than you do when you pickpocket, you know."

Asterin and Selwyn started chatting about what kind of carrier the later might have and soon enough they arrived to the hideout.

"So, let's get that wallet, shall we ?" Alexander said before getting out of the car.

Aramith lead the little troup to a dark and mandering street. There usually were some fellow hobos on the way, however because of her new 'friends', they all ran away. She suddenly stopped in front of a wall. A plain, ordinary looking brick wall.

"We're here !"

Alex's girlfriend raised an eyebrow, dubious. "Excuse me ?"

Aramith ignored her and pressed various bricks, so quickly that the officers didn't get the time to remember any of it. There was a blank. Then, the wall sunk in on itself swiftly to reveal a corridor. The hobo, a smug smile plastered on her face, walked in.

"Follow me."

The three officers couldn't hide their surprise to Aramith. Lis had eyes slightly wider than usual, glistening with a mix of contained excitement and wild determination. Alex and her girlfriend recoiled faintly at the sight, and even sighed. In sync, how cute. Before the four of them was an enormous yet miraculously tidied 'library' full of wallets in a mess of a basement.

"Okay so guys, this is my house, so please don't touch anything if not needed for the investigation. All the wallets are arranged by alphabetical order. Well, I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap," she declared as she took several blankets and newspapers on the floor in order to improvise a bed. "If you have any questions, figure it out. See ya !"

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