New place, New start

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"Oh butter nuts!" I said while abruptly sitting up.

Why the frakity Frick did my alarm not go off!! I am already two days late  and add this to top it off with a cherry! And no, I did not sleep for two whole days straight, though that would be nice...but because the principal allowed me to come in two days late cause I was just settling down in this place which is completely foreign to me.

I stud up from my comfy-comfy bed always difficult to leave this lover and ran to the bathroom and looked at myself. And have a debate, to take a bath or not to take a bath? At the end I came to the conclusion that I am stupid! Cause I am already late so bye-bye bath.

Washed my face, brush my teeth ,pee(cause a lady never poops)
Brushed my hair, and started to dress up. I choose a grey long sleeve tank top that showed some of beautiful tan stomach and a grey skirt exposing my thighs just a tiny bit along with matching knee high boots.

Checked myself in the mirror, "sexy baby" then picked up my bag and ran out of the house took a cab to college. I wasn't really going to take a cab cause it costs a lot compare to a bus but I was late.

As soon as I went inside the college, I was caught by the head teacher, cause I have the greatest luck of all.

"You are late!" she literally barked at me. "Sorry- sorry, I know, actually I am new here so I kinda got lost" I lied straight through my teeth. I know it's wrong but I wasn't ready to be eaten by her on the first day. Say no to cannibalism kids!

"Oh fine, here is your TT" she said with a bit of attitude.
"Titty"? I asked being completely shocked. Dont I already have a pack of 36B's? Not flexing, it's more like a curse to have this size at the age of 16 and don't even get me started on my ass.

"Yeah, your time-table" she said, pulling me out of my train of thoughts."Oh" I said realising how stupid I am. Gee Mia, get your brain out of the dirt!

"You are 15 mins late so your class has already started, here have this slip and give to your teacher i.e. Mr.Zeref so he'll let you easy" she said with zero interest. I took the "TT" and the slip and said "Thank you" politely.

Chemistry- Mr.Zeref class 204
Biology-Mrs.Kadarshian class 209
Maths-Mr.Paul class 201
English-Mrs.Jody class 205
P.E- Mr.Hamoff class 207

Sweet, P.E is at the end of the day so I won't be roaming with sweat all day!

I sum how managed to reach class 205 , god they have lots of stairs here!
As soon as I saw the class through the small glass window on the door, I saw a student with a bag already being scolded, I couldn't see the teacher though.

Ok so here goes nothing, I said to myself pushing the door open to the class.

Hope y'all like it! Ik it's short but bear with me pwese😊

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