33. Breaking point

Start from the beginning

"MINE" I reminded him with my hard expressions. and he lowered his head slightly feeling embarrassed mumbling "I know" and walked away from there.

After nikah was done and everyone went to stage. We all enjoyed very much. Ariba really tried to grab my attention but my attention was only on one girl. My Hana!

I shamelessly stared at her all the time. Though She was not unaware of my gaze which make her blushed all the time and many time she smiled shyly which I was yearn to see.


After ruksati and some emotional moments everyone went to their house including marzi aapi's All family members. And I came to my room and laid on my bed after changing. But sleep was nowhere. Only one face revolving around my eyes. Hana. Last 2 weeks I control myself but after today I couldn't control. I wanted hana in my arms. But how?

Thinking and tossting on the bed I got up after many failed attempt to get some sleep. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 1:30am but sleep was no where. I sighed in defeated and rubber my face with my both palm and decided to go Hana's room. I know she must be sleeping and I was not going to disturb her. I just wanted one glance then maybe I can got some peace and sleep.

I strode out of my room and was about to walk towards stairs when I heard someone's sniffing sound from kitchen. I turned and walked toward kitchen.

I stood on the doorway and a smiled came to my lips as I saw hana sitting on the counter eating burger and weeping like child. Wearing cute pajama with dupatta on her one shoulder.

"Why Allah? Am I that bad?" She mumbled biting her burger

"I know he is angry... But he could compliment atleast one word"

"I was not looking beautiful?"

"He doesn't like me anymore" she continuesly mumbling some sentences I understood and some couldn't. Tears continuesly rolling down her cheeks.

"Ahem ahem" I clear my throat to grabbed her attention and her head snapped toward me and she immediately wipe her tears with he dupatta.

"What are you doing here?" I asked taking two to three steps.

"I..I was hungry" she mumbled and took other bite while I was staring at her silently. I didn't say anything after that.

Hana become tensed uder my intense gaze. She was also looking at me beneath her eyelashes.

I took another steps and that make her chock on her food. I hurriedly took glass of water and walked toward her.

"Careful girl" I said rubbing her back and giving her water which she instantly took and gulped the water in one.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded biting her lips. And my eyes landed on her lips where some water drop was still there.

My heart started beating fast and my desires tenfold for her. I gulp and looked at her eyes who was staring at me silently and innocently. And here my heart and mind's battle started.

Control rahmaan! You took breaks from her.

No! I can't! This break didn't give me anything but restlessness.

But you want to make her realised that she don't have control on you

But truth is that she has a control on me

But still think about break one more time.

Do hell with break! I want her that's it!

Finally my heart won and I went closer to her lips. A gasp escaped her lips as i lick that water drops. I grabbed her left over burger and put that on side and wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer. Her arms atomaticly held my shoulders.

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