"Where are they?" He asked once he realised that the flowers weren't with me. He started getting a little hesitant with a pinch of displeasure. "Did you not like them?" He asked, doing a brow lift.

He looked a little heated, and it actually kinda startled me.

"No, I loved them. I just left them with my friend, so that she could watch them." I answered back with a hint of dismay in my voice.

It was true. I really did love the flowers. Valeria just wanted to hold them for some time, just so she could bluff that they were hers if people asked. Which I completely did not mind cause it meant less baggage for me and it was kind of funny... But that's off topic.

Lucky for me, after justifying my case, Travis looked contended once more, and less tense which made me feel like I could breathe again. I just didn't want him to think that I didn't want him here, or that I didn't like his gifts. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

The things I do to protect peoples feelings. I deserve an award.

The atmosphere was back to it's normal aura, but Travis was getting a little frisky. A little too frisky if you'd ask me.

"Wanna do something fun?" He asked whilst getting vastly close and doing some earnest facial expression, which I admit did look kinda hot.

But!!!! I have a boyfriend, so that's a no go area.

He then leisurely placed his hands on my waist and gradually moved his face near mine, and I could feel his lips hover against my ears. "wanna go for a ride?" He asked in a light and sensual manner.

This scene had me reminiscing about the first time we had close and intimate contact.
It reminded me of the day we had our erotic moment that one time in his car.

I felt so uncomfortable. I didn't like him coming too close or touching me in certain areas. I felt like pushing him off of me, but I didn't. I still had a soft spot for him. I still cared about him. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I just don't have it in me anymore. I don't feel for him like I used to.

But for once I need to be a little selfish and think about myself.

"Umm, yeah. Sorry Travis, but I can't do this." I said as I awkwardly slithered out off his clutch.

"Can't do what?" He asked. He looked so baffled and heart broken. He was confused. He didn't understand why I was acting like the way I did.

And that's when it hit me. I know for a fact that we both wouldn't be able to handle the pain once I tell him about my current relationship status. He'd feel let down and I'd feel guilt.

I guess I wasn't ready to tell him. I wasn't ready to break him just yet. I didn't want to ruin his happiness. And I know that's not fair for him, but... I just can't.

I can't stand seeing him like this.

"No, I just meant that I um... can't take a ride with you, cause I need to get home and um...do some school work. Plus I don't have my bags with me." I explained, trying to make up for what took place a few seconds ago.

"It'll be quick. I promise. I just need to tell/show you something." He urged with great anticipation in his body language. It looked cute. Like a young boy asking his mom for a quarter in order to get onto one of those kiddie rides.

I really couldn't go, but who could say no to that.

"Okay, then. I'll text my friend and ask her to take my things for me." I said whilst rolling my eyes with a soft giggle.

Either way, going with him was a little beneficial, cause we were in public and people were getting a little apprehensive. Don't want rumours going around saying that I was cheating on my boyfriend with some random dude in the school parking lot.

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