"You know a lot huh." Emmett said.

"Yep." Ava said happily. "I wanted to be a vet."

"Wanted?" Emmett asked.

"Still do." She said. "I know I have one more year to make up but my credits aren't looking nice."

"You can do it." Emmett said to her. "Your the smartest person I know, you just have to get back on track. I know the past 2 years was hard for you but you can do it."

Ava smiled at Emmett and was a little reluctant on what she was about to do but did it anyways. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Em." She said to him and then hurried turning around going towards the register leaving Emmett standing there starstruck.

Ava knew she shouldn't have but she wanted to. She was honestly planning on breaking up with Milo but was terrified on what might happen. She was also scared of jumping straight into a relationship with Emmett after Milo and her breakup because she didn't want to seem like she goes from one guy to another.

But she knew it wasn't like that.


"How's it been going with Ms. Diane." Emmett asked.

"It's been going great. I love her she's so amazing and understanding." Ava said smiling. "She actually really cares about what I'm telling her and how I feel."

"That's good. It's nice seeing you look more energetic." Emmett said trying to pick his words carefully. When they arrived to the house Emmett helped set up the huge guinea pig house.

"Wanna name one?" Ava asked Emmett. "Actually you have to no if, an's or buts."

"Ok then I'll name that one Destroyer." Emmett said and Ava hit his shoulder. "Ok, I'm just kidding. How about Hammerhead."

"I'm going to kill you Emmett." Ava said and Emmett just laughed at her.

"Alright seriously I'll name that one... Biscut." He said pointing at the fattest one.

"That's cute. Then I'll name this one waffle and that one pancake. We can call them the breakfast club!" Ava said excited.

Emmett finished the Guinea pig enclosure.  And Ava picked them up letting them inside. They walked around smelling around and started making noises.

"Aw they like it." Ava said.

After they finished they began talking about things and it soon began to get dark outside.

"Alright follow me." Emmett grabbed Ava's hand leading her down the stairs covering her eyes before they reached the back yard.

"What are you doing Emmett." She said walking carefully.

"Just hold on we're almost there." He said. Once they reach the backyard he uncovered her eyes and she gasp.

 Once they reach the backyard he uncovered her eyes and she gasp

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