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"That's a great plan Izuku!" Himiko smiled, cheering.

"Thank you." He gave a small smile. Moving back to Shoto, he looked down at him, seeing him peacefully sleeping on the couch. He looked so calm. For being kidnapped.

"I'll get him ready." Dabi said, walking over to Shoto and picking him up, walking out of the room.

Izuku spinned on his heels, back to the 3 who were still in the room.


Tomura sighed, leaving the room.

"Wow, that was mean." Izuku pouted, giving a :T face.

Himiko smiled bigger. Running over to Izuku.

"Izukuuuuu, wanna go on a walk with me?"


Time skip.

Himiko and Izuku open the bar door to screaming.

"Guess Dabi started without us, what a meanie." Himiko cried, running into the room that had the screams. Izuku followed after.

The screaming got louder as they approached the giant, wooden door. Izuku opened it and walked into the cold, dimly lit room with Himiko right behind him.

What he sees is, on the right side of the room, a bunch of weapons and torturing equipment. A chair in the middle of the room with a light right above it, sitting in the chair was Shoto, blood fell from his head, and a very large blood stain, stained his uniform on his abdomen. He looked tired and frightened, he was panting heavily. Dabi leaned on a wall next to the weapons, staring at us.

"Aw, you did start without us." Grumbled Himiko, looking around the room. "Can I do something to him." She smiled.

Dabi nodded in response.

Izuku stared at Shoto as Himiko went over to the weapons and getting a sharp, 10 inch knife. (Inches are different in my country, stupid Canada. But it's a little bit over average of a normal torture knife thing. It's big. That's all I can say I guess).

She walked over to Shoto, looking at him for a bit before swinging the knife in the air and cutting down on his arm, a bit of the sleeve on Shoto's clothes ripped, showing the bleeding, deep cut.

Shoto held back a wince, staring at his wound on his shoulder.

Izuku smiled, looking down at the male tied in the chair. "Todoroki, you look mad at me." Izuku sighed, falling backwards and catching himself, twirling and then looking back the wounded boy. "You shouldn't give me that look. Or little 'Deku' will start crying and assuming stuff!" Izuku dramatically said, fake rubbing his eyes as he forcefully smiled at Shoto.

Silence filled the room, as Izuku and Shoto kept a close eye contact.

"What do you want from me Midoriya..." Shoto asked, a glare piercing through his eyes.

"It's nothing big." Izuku paused, smirking down at Shoto. "I just want you to join us!" Izuku laughed, spreading his hands out as he looked over at Himiko and Dabi.

Boom, there it is. A reaction, exactly what Izuku was looking for.

Shoto's face filled with shock, anger, confusion and suspicion. "Why would you even ask that, of course not."

Izuku's smiled became more forced. "Well, obviously I knew you were gonna say that." The green haired boy spat.

"But think about my offer Todoroki..." Izuku smiled, walking slyly behind the chair Shoto was cuffed into, Resting his chin on the the captured boys shoulder. "I'm sure you'll want to very soon..." Izuku said in a soothing voice before everything faded to darkness.

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