Chapter 36: Clandestine

Start from the beginning

"What do I do? How did you get away from him?" I was too weak to think. If Jeff had managed to survive this man, maybe he had the solution to my problem.
"You know the money I borrowed from Francis? That was to get a restraining order. Of course, Francis had no idea why I borrowed it and was even asking why I didn't borrow from my boyfriend. I'm sure he went to meet Malone regarding the money."
"So what do I do? Another restraining order?"
"Do you have anything tying you to Chicago? Family, loved ones?"
"All my friends are here. You're not suggesting I skip town, are you?"
"That may be your only option here, Mike. Sorry to break it to you."
"But you're in town. Won't he just come after you? Wait, how come he hasn't come after you?"

Jeff looked grim and slowly turned towards Jason. I noticed that Jason had gone from just angry to a mixed emotion that looked like fury and helplessness. I considered his gaze for a few minutes before it hit me.

"Oh, Jason, I'm so sorry."
"They told me I was stepping on another man's turf. Can you believe that shit? Then the fuckers stabbed me."
"Just because he can't hurt you physically doesn't mean he won't try to get to you," Jeff said, looking sad. He got up and went to Jason and sat behind him, placing his hands under Jason's shirt and raising it to reveal the area where his back was covered with a large plaster dressing. I remembered the 'burn fag' that was supposed to be written there, cut in with a knife. His attackers had only done that to make it look like a hate crime. No wonder Jason was so angry. As there was no way to prove that Malone was involved, he couldn't press any charges. All they were going on was the strong suspicion. Any attack Jason made against Malone would seem unwarranted.

"Do you understand now why I say you should run?"
"I have nowhere to go. I can't just pack up and skip town."
"You'd rather deal with this guy then?"

I fell silent. I sighed at my helpless situation. He was right. There was no other way out. Even if I ran to Swash's apartment, with the tracking device which had been on ever since, he already knew the address. Not that Swash's condo was in any way a safe haven. I thought about Bradley. I wouldn't want any harm to come to him as a result. If Malone could have something like this done to Jason, Bradley was only four hundred times more vulnerable. I had to move. Probably back to Springfield. I hadn't been there in over three years, and I had no idea what I was going to do once I got back. I wouldn't know anything other than the terrain: that is, assuming things hadn't changed a lot. But there was really no other course of action. I needed to get away. If I could move to Chicago penniless and manage to survive until today, I could definitely move back to Springfield with the little cash I had left and start over. Maybe I needed to. I sighed as my resolve essentially affirmed itself.

"Be careful out there." Jeff smiled weakly at me. It was almost as if he felt my decision. I tried to smile back. I was devastated at the turn out of today, but if Jeff hadn't showed up, I would have moved with Malone in a month. Maybe even less, considering the emotions I had felt. But right now, I felt nothing but fear and hatred for the man. It was like the world around me no longer existed. Jason and Jeff said they had to go out to do something, so I was going to be left alone for the rest of the day. I didn't mind. I needed the solitude. It was like having people around me wasn't a good idea. Jason left the apartment without saying another word. I could sense that he was still trying to calm down. Jeff held my shoulder and whispered something to me before walking out.

"Be careful how you handle him, Mike. He's very unpredictable. Avoid a confrontation at any cost, and if you get one, avoid doing anything to agitate him. Just find an opportunity and make a run for it."

I could only stare at him as he walked away and locked the door behind him. The rest of my day was without meaning. I didn't even understand how it went from afternoon to night so quickly. I answered all requests that were made with a monotone as my thoughts were occupied with what I needed to do. I would pack my bags tonight, withdraw all my money first thing tomorrow morning and be out of Chicago my noon. Nobody else had to get involved in this situation. I couldn't afford getting anyone else stabbed on my account. I left Dorian's apartment at 11:35 and began to make my way back home. I knew I was leaving earlier than I was expected to, but I felt my exit plan was more important than anyone who needed a midnight fuck. I called a cab after several minutes of waiting and went on my way home. I felt like a zombie, like I was only managing to move. I was looking at the world pass around me, but nothing really seemed to register. I was a bit surprised when the cabbie told me that we had arrived. I got out and paid him. I walked up to the apartment building, still in a daze. My life had become such a shitpile in barely two weeks. I fumbled for my key and went to the front door.


I turned around slowly to the sound of the voice. My heart rate quickened as my brain registered both the voice and the approaching face.



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