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-all it took was the sound of your voice over the phone for him to know something was wrong

-he showed up at your house about an hour later, arms filled with bags

-he brought everything he thought you'd need and more

-you cried

-got you the right tampons/pads which was a relief

-tummy rubs



-you stayed the night at his house

-you woke up grumpy

-"geez babe, are you on your period or something?!"

-stops when he realizes that you are, in fact, on your period

-he had pads and stuff from previous times you stayed over so everything was fine

-for the most part

-mood swings were awful for both of you bc hes a sassy lil motherfucker

-you fell asleep in a bad mood but he accidentally woke you up  by laughing too hard at a meme

-"baby i didnt mean to wake you-"

-"i know. lay with me please?" mixed with puppy eyes cause he CANNOT say no to those


-synced !

-heated bottles for lyfe

-"soph it HURTS"

-"i know, i know"


-this man somehow has your entire cycle figured out

-his mom keeps an extra lil stash for your time of the month so he already has everything

-being the BEST


-"awe baby come here"

-you legit cry because he came over

-he babys you all day but he doesnt mean

-he knows you need it


-"uuuh let's watch tik toks?"

-you laugh so hard that it hurts and you cramp up


-"babe what happened?!"

-he wants to understand what's going on but he cant quite grasp it

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