The goddess rolls her eyes and drops his arm, "Patience would look good on you." The Original vampire scoffs at this, not taking any form of criticism well. "Not used to someone calling you out?"

"Except for my siblings, no. I hear enough about my wrongdoings from them." 

The discontent in the tone of his voice is noticeable, and it doesn't come as a surprise due to the nature of the Mikaelson family. They are self-driven, focused on preservation and optimizing their outcomes. They have been in close proximity to each other on and off, dependent on Klaus' mood with his siblings, with his bad mood resulting in a dagger to the heart. 

For a brief moment, Atë allows herself to remember her own siblings that are probably still causing some amounts of drama back on Mount Olympus. Since most of them are half siblings, they weren't ever extremely close. No one really fought for her after Zeus announced his ban, but they were smart to preserve their civil relationships with Zeus. 

"Well, I can't help it that I'm an insensitive jerk sometimes, so you're going to be getting shit from me too." Kol doesn't fight her response, grudgingly accepting future insults from her. 

Kol sticks his hands into his pockets of his jeans as they walk. "How long are you sticking around Mystic Falls for?" Part of him inquires due to his mistrust about her character but another is curious since she peaked his interest. 

"There's a few things I have to see through first, but I can't say Mystic Falls is a place I would want to settle down in." She has lived all over, under the cloak of a different identity but found herself more inclined to live in cities where she could cause more ruckus. 

The pair stops walking when they see a couple, probably in their early thirties, setting up camp in the thick of the woods. Given all of the 'animal attacks' in the news, it's unintelligent to be outside close to the time of sunset.

Kol shakes his head at the naive humans, but Atë can see the longing in his dark eyes for their warm blood. She eggs him on, enjoying the malevolent side of the boy. 

Atë walks behind the vampire, raising her lips to his ear to whisper, "Maybe now is finally your chance for a fun killing." There is a hint of surprise on his face as she encourages destructive behavior but if he knew who she really was, then it would make sense.

At first he hesitates, wondering why she is in support of his vampirism actions. Atë takes the initiative, raising her hand to create an ominous rustling in the bushes nearby the couple's camp. Atë opens her right arm outwards, gesturing for Kol to catch his prey. 

He finally takes off towards the couple, not needing another push, "You do know that these woods are dangerous, right? You never know the type of animals that could be lurking." A malicious smirk is etched across his face, ready for what is to come.

The couple jumps in a startled manner, yet the husband composes himself quickly to look at Kol neutrally, "We came prepared in case of a rabid animal." His eyes glance down at the gun on the ground next to their belongings. 

"I'm sorry to inform you that the gun won't help your case." Black veins quickly appear underneath his eyes as he launches towards the woman's neck, his teeth latching on to suck her dry. 

Atë sees the husband shakily breathe out, stunned at the sight of his now dead wife limp against Kol's body. His quivering hands reach for the gun clumsily. He lets out a gasp when the gun turns to liquid in his hands, dripping to the dirt ground below, thanks to her tricks. Kol drops his current body before stalking towards the confused and fearful man.

"No, no, please," the man begs for his life, yet Kol doesn't grant mercy and begins feeding quickly.

With a grin on her face,  Atë strolls towards the now satisfied vampire, his face returning back to normal with a satiated smile tugging at his lips. Already knowing the answer, she still asks, "Content now?"

He nods, "Much better." He pauses for a moment, thinking back to some of the magical aspects that occurred because of her, "If you're a witch, why support my vampire desires? Witches hate us and of everything in their power to stop us."

Atë's eyes flicker upwards and lock with his as she lowers her voice mysteriously, "Who ever said I was a witch?" It's clear the wheels are turning in his mind as he attempts to read her.

"I will figure you out," he states confidently, emphasizing every word. 

She raises her hands, "I'm not stopping you by any means." Her words are truthful because she doesn't mind him trying to piece her together. It seemed almost like a game to her.

Kol isn't some human trying to abuse her powers and she doesn't think he would even need to do so as an Original vampire. Maybe his brother Klaus would, but just like the goddess, Kol only cares about himself and didn't care to be involved himself with Nik's enemies, except Elena. Elena and her friends aimed to kill them all, so it was all hands on deck to stop her. 

The pair walk back to the house in a comfortable silence for the first few minutes, Kol's mind urging him to use fear tactics to get his way in knowing every little thing there is to know about the mystery girl. 

Atë can tell he's deep in thought and asks a question she already knows the answer to, "What's on your mind?"

"You." Atë's eyes flicker to look at his directly and Kol realizes how it came out, "I mean what you are if you aren't a witch or vampire."

She nods her head at his response, "Well here's a hint for you. I don't think you have ever met one like me before."

Kol stops in place to decipher what that means but his confusion just leads the goddess to snicker at him. She dashes ahead of him in a run and yells back at him, "Race you back!"

A determined smile appears on his face as he uses his vampire speed to get back to the house in a few seconds. He looks around him and has a proud smirk on his face as he waits outside for the girl to catch up, leaning his back against the front door triumphantly.

Five minutes pass and he grows confused. It's not until the door opens that he realizes the truth. "Jeez my grandmother could move faster than you," Atë jokes from inside the home.

The vampire raises his hand to his face, forgetting the fact this girl was not normal and she has been able to disappear and reappear before. He sneers at her, "At least I actually ran."

"Aw, don't be a sore loser. It's okay that your ass just got handed to you by a girl."

He glares at her and steps inside, now grumpy about losing and her being able to make fun of him. She laughs at him, "Well that was fun, minus your poor attitude." She goes to leave, "Guess I'll catch you later." As the brunette leaves, Kol watches her and wonders how one girl is throwing off his entire game. 

Trouble, She Comes || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now